I've searched the board and the books and can not figure out why I can not compare the value of two string objects in my 2D array. Here's the code...

if(strcmp(*p2EmpInfo[a][e], *p2EmpInfo[a-1][e]) > 0)
				string temp;
				*p2EmpInfo[a][e] = temp;
				*p2EmpInfo[a-1][e] = *p2EmpInfo[a][e];
				temp = *p2EmpInfo[a-1][e];
I have tried to cast it as a char variable....used a str1<str2? type comparison and also chanted in Swahili while letting the blood of a 2 month old chicken onto a plate with the bones of a sparrow, all to no avail. Where am I going wrong? Is it the logic? Do I need a younger chicken?

I can get the program to execute, but when it gets to the sorting section (I just kept it in main()...), it encounters an error and the program bails on me.