I am writing a Blackjack program and am having some trouble with it. I have already created 3 classes (i.e. Card.h, Deck.h, and Hand.h) but I am having trouble pulling them altogether in the Main. Here is what I need to do...

*Program will be playing single hands against getting to 21 until the deck is empty. Onece the deck is empty, even if it occurs in the middle of playing a hand, the program should end.

This is what I know so far, but how do I implement it into the main...

*When starting a new hand, 2 cards are dealt into that hand. I should take 2 cards off the deck using the getNextCard() method and add each card to the hand using the addCard() method.
*Next I should check to see if the player has a blackjack, outputing a message if they have and then move on to the next hand.
*Else, I should prompt the user to either hit or stand.
*If the user stands, then print they "Win" and the next hand should start.
*If the hit, get another card and add it to the hand.
*If they exceed 21 then print they "busted" and start next hand.
*If after hitting, their hand equals 21, then they win. Print a message and start new hand.
*If hand is still under 21, prompt user again if they want to stand or hit...repeat until they stand, get 21, or bust.

Main should look something like this...

#include <iostream>
#include "Card.h"
#include "Deck.h"
#include "Hand.h"

int main()
Deck the Deck;
Hand the Hand;
//missing code here
return 0;

Thanks for the help guys.