Thread: Help. Linked List

  1. #1
    Registered User
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    Help. Linked List

    Hello guys I am new to using this so forgive me if i post something inappropriately. I am trying to figure out how to use a linked listed but I am kinda confused on how it functions. As such I am trying to make a basic Linked List Phone Book based on a half finished program I was looking at. The two functions I am not sure about are makeNewPhone() and append(). I have attached the whole code for advice.

    //                        Lab 8 - Linked List Phone Book
    // Author: Sensei Joiner and the Bluebelt Mutant Ninja Hackers
    // Date:   Oct. 25, 2016
    // Implements a simple phone book using a linked list
    // INSTRUCTIONS: complete the following program by writing the 
    //               the unwritten functions as specified in the comments.
    //               Look for TODO in the comments to determine what 
    //               you need to do. 
    //               Two instructions needs to be added to deletePhone() 
    #include <iostream>
    #include <iomanip>
    #include <string>
    using namespace std;
    // phone record structure
    struct phone {
        string first;    // first name
        string last;    // last name
        string number;    // phone number
        phone* next;    // pointer to next node in the list
    //                              makeNewPhone()
    // TODO: dynamically allocate a new phone node. Ask the user to enter the 
    //       names and number and put them in the new node (hint: see how
    //       members are referenced in the cout in printList()). 
    //       Since the node is not yet in the list, the NEXT pointer should 
    //       be set to NULL.
    //         RETURN: a pointer to the newly-created node.
    phone * makeNewPhone()
        phone* current = new phone;
        cout << "Enter First name: ";
        cin >> current->first;
        cout << "Enter Last name:";
        cin >> current->last;
        cout << "Enter Number: ";
        cin >> current->number;
        current->next = NULL;
        return current;
    //                              append()
    // TODO: Given the head of the current linked list, and a pointer to
    //       an already-allocated and populated node, attach the new node to  
    //       the tail node of the current list (making it the new tail node).
    //       RETURN: head of the (now extended) list
    //       Example: 
    //       Given:  head -> N1 -> N2 -> N3      and     p -> NN
    //       Make N3 point to NN:  head -> N1 -> N2 -> N3 -> NN
    //       Be sure to handle "Empty List":   head=NULL   and p -> NN  
    //                               result:   head -> NN  
    phone * append(phone * head, phone * r)
    //                              printList()
    // Given a linked list of phone nodes, nicely print the contents
    void printList(phone * head)            // given: a pointer to the first node of the list
        phone * p = head;                    // to start, p points to the first node in the list
        cout << "\nPhone List:\n";
        cout << "First           Last            Phone\n";
        cout << "--------------- --------------- ---------------\n";
        while (p != NULL)                    // while not past the end of the list
        {                                    // note: if head is NULL, so is P, so loop doesn't execute.
            cout << setw(15) << left << p->first << " " << setw(15) << p->last << " " << p->number << endl;
            p = p->next;                    // make p point to the next node in the list
        cout << endl;
    } // printList()
      //                              search()
      // TODO: given the head of the list, a first name and a last name to search
      //       for, go down the list and check each node to see if its first and last
      //       equal the given search-first and search-last.
      //       RETURN: a pointer to the node that is found, OR
      //               NULL meaning "not found"
    phone * search(phone * head, string first, string last)
        phone *pCurrentPhone = head;
        while (pCurrentPhone && (pCurrentPhone->first != first && pCurrentPhone->last != last))
            if (pCurrentPhone->first == first && pCurrentPhone->last == last)
                return pCurrentPhone;
        return NULL;
      //                              getChoice()
      // Display the user menu and get the user's choice. Does NOT validate 
      // the choice because that is done in main().
    char getChoice()
        char choice;
        // print menu of operations
        cout << "\n-----------------------\n";
        cout << "A - Add new person\n";
        cout << "D - Delete person\n";
        cout << "S - Search for person\n";
        cout << "P - Print List\n";
        cout << "X - Exit\n\n";
        // ask for user's choice
        cout << "Enter choice: ";
        cin >> choice;
        choice = toupper(choice);    // convert to upper case: so 'a' becomes 'A'
        return choice;
    } // getChoice()
      //                              searchPhone()
      // Asks the user to enter a name to search for and invokes the linked-list
      // search() to find it. If found, it prints the phone number and returns
      // a pointer to the found node. If not found, it prints a "not found"
      // message and returns NULL (meaning "not found").
    phone * searchPhone(phone * head) {
        string first, last;
        cout << "Enter first and last name: ";
        cin >> first >> last;
        phone * p = search(head, first, last);
        if (p == NULL)
            cout << "No person with that name found.\n";
            cout << "Phone number is: " << p->number << endl;
        return p;
    } // searchPhone()
      //                              remove()
      // TODO:
      // Given: the head of the list, and a pointer to some node in the list
      //        to be removed.
      // Removes (but does not deallocate) a node from the list.
      // Removing from the list should include setting the removed node's
      //      NEXT pointer to NULL, since it will no longer be in the list.
      // RETURNS a pointer to the head of the modified list.
      // To remove a node (other than the head), pointed to by r in the example,
      //    you will need to find (similar to search) a pointer to the node BEFORE 
      //    the one being removed. That is, b4 should point to the node whose NEXT
      //    pointer points to the node to be removed (b4->next == r).
      //          head -> N1 -> N2 ==> N3 -> N4 ->N5
      //                        ^      ^
      //                        |      |
      //                        b4     r
      //    So B4's NEXT pointer should be set to the R's next pointer to bypass the
      //    removed node, and R's NEXT pointer should be set to NULL since it is no
      //    longer in the list: (NOTE: the same code will work if R points to the tail)
      //          head -> N1 -> N2 ========> N4 -> N5
      //                        ^     N3
      //                        |     ^
      //                        |     |
      //                        b4    r
      // To remove the HEAD node is simpler, since there is no node BEFORE it to find.
      //    Simply set the head to point to its own next pointer to bypass the head node,
      //    and remember to set the NEXT pointer in the removed node to NULL.
      //          head -> N1 ==> N2 -> N3 -> N4 ->N5
      //                  ^
      //                  |
      //                  r
      //          head =======> N2 -> N3 -> N4 ->N5
      //          r -> N1
    phone* remove(phone * head, phone* r)
        if (r == NULL || head == NULL) 
            return head;
        if (r == head) 
        {    //remove the head node
            head = head->next;
            r->next = NULL;
            bool found = false;
            phone *p = head;
            while (p != NULL && !found) 
                if (p->next == r)
                    found = true;
                    p = p->next;
            p->next = r->next;
            r->next = NULL;
        return head;
    } // remove()
      //                              deletePhone()
      // Invokes searchPhone() to get a pointer to the node to be deleted.
      // if found, invokes remove() to remove the node from the list.
      // TODO: DEALLOCATE THE NODE (don't leave any garbage!!)
    phone * deletePhone(phone * head)
        phone * p = searchPhone(head);        // search for node to be removed and deallocated
                                            // returns NULL if not found
        if (p != NULL)                        // if a node was found
            head = remove(head, p);            // remove the found node from the list
                                            // TODO: DEALLOCATE THE NODE HERE!!!
                                            // TODO: guarantee there is no Dangling Reference!!!
            cout << "Entry deleted.\n";
        return head;                        // head was possibly modifed, so return it
    } // deletePhone()
      //                              main()
    int main()
        // variable declarations
        char choice;            // user's choice from the menu
        phone * head = NULL;    // head of the linked list, INITIALIZED EMPTY
        phone * p = NULL;        // points to a phone node as needed
                                // repeat operations until user wants to exit
        do {
            // get user's choice (always capitalized, but could be an invalid option)
            choice = getChoice();
            // perform user's choice
            switch (choice)
            case 'A':
                p = makeNewPhone();                        // create and populate a new node
                head = append(head, p);                    // add the new node to the list
            case 'D': head = deletePhone(head); break;    // delete a node, possibly resulting in a new head
            case 'S': p = searchPhone(head);    break;  // search for a node by first/last name. 
            case 'P': printList(head);          break;  //    Here, the p returned  by searchPhone isn't 
            case 'X': cout << "Good Bye!\n";    break;  //    needed, but we still need to "catch" it.
            default: cout << "Invalid entry! Try again.\n";   // take care of invalid entry here.
        } while (choice != 'X');                        // repeat until user enters 'X'
        return 0;
    } // main()
    Attached Files Attached Files
    Last edited by Dustin Poff; 10-30-2016 at 01:51 PM.

  2. #2
    and the hat of int overfl Salem's Avatar
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    Arguably, remove() is a more complicated 'TODO' function than append(), and you seemed to manage that one just fine.

    The traversal condition is much simpler.
    If you dance barefoot on the broken glass of undefined behaviour, you've got to expect the occasional cut.
    If at first you don't succeed, try writing your phone number on the exam paper.

  3. #3
    Registered User
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    Yea but that was a function that was written for me unfortunately so I honestly have no idea how it even works.

  4. #4
    Registered User MutantJohn's Avatar
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    Wait, are you not writing your linked list with a class? O_o

    Does your professor really want you to write this like it's C? * vomits *

  5. #5
    and the hat of int overfl Salem's Avatar
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    > Yea but that was a function that was written for me unfortunately so I honestly have no idea how it even works.
    Which is why you're always doomed to fail at programming.

    This kind of fill in the blanks programming is no more useful than expecting an artist to emerge from completing a book of "join the dots".

    Repost with all the TODO's you didn't do removed, so we can see what is genuinely your own work to date.
    If you dance barefoot on the broken glass of undefined behaviour, you've got to expect the occasional cut.
    If at first you don't succeed, try writing your phone number on the exam paper.

  6. #6
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    Repost with the todo's that i still have left to finish as im not sure if my new phone feature is done properly and I have not started the append as im completely obvious to how the linked list works. I am pretty sure the rest of the functions work properly and yes this is being done without using a class for some reason. Everything that is left is what I still have left to do or unsure about and I agree to the fact that I am not a big fan of this type of programming of giving me something half done and then asking me to finish it
    //                        Lab 8 - Linked List Phone Book
    // Author: Sensei Joiner and the Bluebelt Mutant Ninja Hackers
    // Date:   Oct. 25, 2016
    // Implements a simple phone book using a linked list
    // INSTRUCTIONS: complete the following program by writing the 
    //               the unwritten functions as specified in the comments.
    //               Look for TODO in the comments to determine what 
    //               you need to do. 
    //               Two instructions needs to be added to deletePhone() 
    #include <iostream>
    #include <iomanip>
    #include <string>
    using namespace std;
    // phone record structure
    struct phone {
        string first;    // first name
        string last;    // last name
        string number;    // phone number
        phone* next;    // pointer to next node in the list
    //                              makeNewPhone()
    // TODO: dynamically allocate a new phone node. Ask the user to enter the 
    //       names and number and put them in the new node (hint: see how
    //       members are referenced in the cout in printList()). 
    //       Since the node is not yet in the list, the NEXT pointer should 
    //       be set to NULL.
    //         RETURN: a pointer to the newly-created node.
    phone * makeNewPhone()
        phone* current = new phone;
        cout << "Enter First name: ";
        cin >> current->first;
        cout << "Enter Last name:";
        cin >> current->last;
        cout << "Enter Number: ";
        cin >> current->number;
        current->next = NULL;
        return current;
    //                              append()
    // TODO: Given the head of the current linked list, and a pointer to
    //       an already-allocated and populated node, attach the new node to  
    //       the tail node of the current list (making it the new tail node).
    //       RETURN: head of the (now extended) list
    //       Example: 
    //       Given:  head -> N1 -> N2 -> N3      and     p -> NN
    //       Make N3 point to NN:  head -> N1 -> N2 -> N3 -> NN
    //       Be sure to handle "Empty List":   head=NULL   and p -> NN  
    //                               result:   head -> NN  
    phone * append(phone * head, phone * r)
    //                              printList()
    // Given a linked list of phone nodes, nicely print the contents
    void printList(phone * head)            // given: a pointer to the first node of the list
        phone * p = head;                    // to start, p points to the first node in the list
        cout << "\nPhone List:\n";
        cout << "First           Last            Phone\n";
        cout << "--------------- --------------- ---------------\n";
        while (p != NULL)                    // while not past the end of the list
        {                                    // note: if head is NULL, so is P, so loop doesn't execute.
            cout << setw(15) << left << p->first << " " << setw(15) << p->last << " " << p->number << endl;
            p = p->next;                    // make p point to the next node in the list
        cout << endl;
    } // printList()
      //                              search()
    phone * search(phone * head, string first, string last)
        phone *pCurrentPhone = head;
        while (pCurrentPhone && (pCurrentPhone->first != first && pCurrentPhone->last != last))
            if (pCurrentPhone->first == first && pCurrentPhone->last == last)
                return pCurrentPhone;
        return NULL;
      //                              getChoice()
      // Display the user menu and get the user's choice. Does NOT validate 
      // the choice because that is done in main().
    char getChoice()
        char choice;
        // print menu of operations
        cout << "\n-----------------------\n";
        cout << "A - Add new person\n";
        cout << "D - Delete person\n";
        cout << "S - Search for person\n";
        cout << "P - Print List\n";
        cout << "X - Exit\n\n";
        // ask for user's choice
        cout << "Enter choice: ";
        cin >> choice;
        choice = toupper(choice);    // convert to upper case: so 'a' becomes 'A'
        return choice;
    } // getChoice()
      //                              searchPhone()
      // Asks the user to enter a name to search for and invokes the linked-list
      // search() to find it. If found, it prints the phone number and returns
      // a pointer to the found node. If not found, it prints a "not found"
      // message and returns NULL (meaning "not found").
    phone * searchPhone(phone * head) {
        string first, last;
        cout << "Enter first and last name: ";
        cin >> first >> last;
        phone * p = search(head, first, last);
        if (p == NULL)
            cout << "No person with that name found.\n";
            cout << "Phone number is: " << p->number << endl;
        return p;
    } // searchPhone()
    //                              remove()
    phone* remove(phone * head, phone* r)
        if (r == NULL || head == NULL) 
            return head;
        if (r == head) 
        {    //remove the head node
            head = head->next;
            r->next = NULL;
            bool found = false;
            phone *p = head;
            while (p != NULL && !found) 
                if (p->next == r)
                    found = true;
                    p = p->next;
            p->next = r->next;
            r->next = NULL;
        return head;
    } // remove()
      //                              deletePhone()
      // Invokes searchPhone() to get a pointer to the node to be deleted.
      // if found, invokes remove() to remove the node from the list.
      // TODO: DEALLOCATE THE NODE (don't leave any garbage!!)
    phone * deletePhone(phone * head)
        phone * p = searchPhone(head);        // search for node to be removed and deallocated
                                            // returns NULL if not found
        if (p != NULL)                        // if a node was found
            head = remove(head, p);            // remove the found node from the list
                                            // TODO: DEALLOCATE THE NODE HERE!!!
                                            // TODO: guarantee there is no Dangling Reference!!!
            cout << "Entry deleted.\n";
        return head;                        // head was possibly modifed, so return it
    } // deletePhone()
      //                              main()
    int main()
        // variable declarations
        char choice;            // user's choice from the menu
        phone * head = NULL;    // head of the linked list, INITIALIZED EMPTY
        phone * p = NULL;        // points to a phone node as needed
                                // repeat operations until user wants to exit
        do {
            // get user's choice (always capitalized, but could be an invalid option)
            choice = getChoice();
            // perform user's choice
            switch (choice)
            case 'A':
                p = makeNewPhone();                        // create and populate a new node
                head = append(head, p);                    // add the new node to the list
            case 'D': head = deletePhone(head); break;    // delete a node, possibly resulting in a new head
            case 'S': p = searchPhone(head);    break;  // search for a node by first/last name. 
            case 'P': printList(head);          break;  //    Here, the p returned  by searchPhone isn't 
            case 'X': cout << "Good Bye!\n";    break;  //    needed, but we still need to "catch" it.
            default: cout << "Invalid entry! Try again.\n";   // take care of invalid entry here.
        } while (choice != 'X');                        // repeat until user enters 'X'
        return 0;
    } // main()
    Last edited by Dustin Poff; 10-31-2016 at 03:14 PM.

  7. #7
    and the hat of int overfl Salem's Avatar
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    Linked lists explained -> Linked list - Wikipedia

    I assume you've made one of these at some point.
    Paper Clip Chain Fine Motor Skills Craft - hands on : as we grow
    This is a metaphor for a linked list.

    Imagine you have to conduct each operation by starting at one end (aka head), and then examining each link in turn to decide whether you're going to perform a particular operation.

    If you study in detail the description of remove(), you should be able to figure it out.

    > // Lab 8 - Linked List Phone Book
    How well did you do on lab 7?
    If you dance barefoot on the broken glass of undefined behaviour, you've got to expect the occasional cut.
    If at first you don't succeed, try writing your phone number on the exam paper.

  8. #8
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    did just fine on lab 7 actually just the first time i have seen or dealt with linked list before but thank you guys for the help.

  9. #9
    Registered User MutantJohn's Avatar
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    I wish your professor had done this differently but this exercise is largely used to teach students how addresses and allocations work. Addresses are often times passed around by value. `new`, `malloc` return addresses of heap-based allocations. It's your job as the programmer to write code that passes around these addresses and manage them. The `next` and `prev` nodes are used for traversing the list and can also be used for freeing the list as well. Adding nodes to a list typically involves actually allocating one on the heap and then re-adjusting pointers in the relevant nodes.

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