Thread: I dont understand

  1. #1
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Oct 2016

    I dont understand

    So I have a program due tomorrow. I have been working on it for some time now and I have gotten to a point where I am stuck what we are doing is making a BST which is pretty easy. But I am having difficulties getting the binary search trees in a since that once it is created the root and is corresponding offspring never change from NULL. This is in 3 seprate .cpp's so im only going to post the 2 that seem needed.

    BST.cpp and Node.cpp


    #include "BST.h"
    void BST::Const()
        root = new node;
        root = NULL;
    void BST::Dest()
    void BST::Ins(int Key, string Data, node* r)
        if (r == NULL)
            r = new node(Key, Data);
        else if (r->getKey() < Key)
            Ins(Key, Data, r->getLeft());
        else if (r->getKey() >= Key)
            Ins(Key, Data, r->getRight());
    void BST::PrintKT(node* r, int level)
        if (r == NULL)
            cout << endl;
        PrintKT(r->getRight(), level + 1);
        for (int i = 1; i <= level * 5; i++)
            cout << " ";
        cout << r->getKey() << endl;
        PrintKT(r->getLeft(), level + 1);
    string BST::Sea(int Key, node* r)
        if (r==NULL)
            return "";
        else if (r->getKey() == Key)
            return r->getData();
        else if (r->getKey() > Key)
            return Sea(Key, r->getRight());
        else if (r->getKey() < Key)
            return Sea(Key, r->getLeft());
    int BST::NNodes(node* r)
        int i = 0;
        if (r == NULL)
            return 1;
        i = i + NNodes(r->getRight());
        i = i + NNodes(r->getLeft());
        return i - 1;
    int BST::Dep(node* r) 
        if (r == NULL)
            return 0;
            int rDepth = Dep(r->getRight());
            int lDepth = Dep(r->getLeft());
            if (rDepth > lDepth)
                return (rDepth + 1);
                return (lDepth + 1);
    int BST::MinK(node * r)
        if (r == NULL)
            return -1;
        else if (r->getLeft() == NULL)
            return r->getKey();
            return MinK(r->getLeft());
    void BST::PrintS(node* r)
        if (r == NULL)
        cout << r->getKey() << "=" << r->getData() << endl;
    void BST::Constructor()
    void BST::Destructor()
    void BST::Insert(int Key, string Data)
        Ins(Key, Data, root);
    void BST::PrintKeyTree()
        PrintKT(root, 0);
    string BST::Search(int Key)
        return Sea(Key, root);
    int BST::NumNodes()
        return NNodes(root);
    int BST::Depth()
        return Dep(root);
    int BST::MinKey()
        return MinK(root);
    void BST::PrintSorted()
    the Ins(int Key, string Data, node*r) is the function dealing with changing the first root and corresponding offspring using recursion to decided where the new item in the tree should go.

    #include "Node.h"
    #include <iostream>
    using namespace std;
        key = -1;
        data = "";
        rightChild = NULL;
        leftChild = NULL;
    node::node(int Key, string Data)
        key = Key;
        data = Data;
        rightChild = NULL;
        leftChild = NULL;
    void node::setKey(int Key)
        key = Key;
    void node::setData(string Data)
        data = Data;
    void node::setLeft(node* Left)
        leftChild = Left;
    void node::setRight(node* Right)
        rightChild = Right;
    void node::Destructor()
        if (leftChild != NULL)
            delete leftChild;
        if(rightChild != NULL)
            delete rightChild;
    node* node::getLeft()
        return leftChild;
    node* node::getRight()
        return rightChild;
    int node::getKey()
        return key;
    string node::getData()
        return data;
    Deals with setting the key and data to the right values as well as creating the new children

  2. #2
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Jun 2015
    Well, look at your code:
    void BST::Ins(int Key, string Data, node* r)
        if (r == NULL)
            r = new node(Key, Data);
            // and then it returns
    r is a local variable (a parameter).
    It is ceases to exist when the function returns.
    You may want to assign to the actual root instead (presumably a member of the BST class).

    BTW, you should obviously show your .h files, too, since those contain the class declarations.

  3. #3
    and the hat of int overfl Salem's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    The edge of the known universe
    Why do you have so many functions acting like constructors and destructors?

    Eg, where is
    BST::BST() {
      // do something?

    Also this, right at the start of the first function.
    root = new node;
    root = NULL;
    You create a new node, then immediately drop it on the floor.
    If you dance barefoot on the broken glass of undefined behaviour, you've got to expect the occasional cut.
    If at first you don't succeed, try writing your phone number on the exam paper.

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