hi.. i need to put loop in my program base on the out put given. can anyone advice how create loop in my program. here is the output

Enter no. of students: 3
Enter no. of courses: 3

>>Enter student ID: 123
>>Enter marks for 123:
Enter mark for course #1: 56
Grade: D
Enter mark for course #2: 45

Grade: E
Enter mark for course #3: 89

Grade: A
Total Marks = 190

Average Mark = 63.33

>>Enter student ID: █

Here is my programme which i need to put loop.
#include <stdio.h>
  int main()
    int marks, stud, cours, total, sum;
    printf( " Enter No Of Students :");
    scanf("%d", &stud);
    printf(" Enter No 0f Course :");
    scanf("%d", &cours);
    printf("Enter Mark :");
    scanf("%d", &marks);
    if( marks >= 80 && marks <= 100)
            printf( " Grade A");
    else if(marks >= 70  )
            printf( " Grade B");
   else if( marks >= 60  )
            printf( " Grade C");
       else if( marks  >= 50  )
            printf( " Grade D");
    else if( marks >= 40  )
            printf( " Grade E");
    else if(  marks >= 0 && marks <= 39)
            printf( " Grade F");
     return 0;