I've been attempting to write code using COM on my Windows 7 computer with MingW and C++11. For some reason, I've been receiving SIGSEGV through my debugger in the DesktopShortcut::SetIcon function after I try to set it back to the old icon path I got from DesktopShortcut::GetIcon. I've tested COM::Assert and it has caught all unsuccessful COM calls, so I believe it to be an issue in how I handle the std::wstring class (particularly in the DesktopShortcut/Files classes). I'm new to C++ so I'm not always aware of object lifetimes and scopes. Here's the relevant code:


int wmain( int argc, wchar_t * argv[] )
    const std::wstring ICON_FOLDER_PATH = std::wstring( Files::GetBasePath( argv[0], wcslen( argv[0] ) ) ) + L"Icons";
    Random random;

    std::vector<std::wstring> paths;

    auto lambda = [&]( std::wstring& path, const wchar_t * fileName ) -> bool
        paths.emplace_back( path + fileName );
        return true;

        Files::Enumerate( lambda, ICON_FOLDER_PATH );
        Desktop desktop( true );

        for ( auto& shortcut : desktop.GetShortcuts( ) )
            shortcut.SetIcon( random.GetElement<std::wstring>( paths ).c_str( ) );
    catch ( const wchar_t * description )
        std::wcerr << description << L"\n";
    catch ( std::exception &e )
        std::wcerr << e.what( ) << L"\n";

    return 0;
bool Files::EndsWith( std::wstring& s, std::wstring& sub )
    const size_t sLength = s.length( );
    const size_t subLength = sub.length( );

    if ( sLength >= subLength )
        return s.compare( sLength - subLength, subLength, sub ) == 0;

    return false;

void Files::Enumerate( std::function<bool(std::wstring&, const wchar_t * )> callback, std::wstring path, bool recurse )
    bool success = true;
    WIN32_FIND_DATA data = { 0 };

    if ( path[path.length( ) - 1] != L'\\' ) path += L"\\";
    HANDLE directory = FindFirstFile( ( path + L"*" ).c_str( ), &data );

    if ( ( success = ( directory != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) ) )
            if ( wcscmp( data.cFileName, L"." ) && wcscmp( data.cFileName, L".." ) )
                if ( data.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY )
                    if ( recurse )
                        Files::Enumerate( callback,  path + std::wstring( data.cFileName ), recurse );
                    if ( !callback( path, data.cFileName ) )
        } while ( FindNextFile( directory, &data ) );

        FindClose( directory );

    if ( !success )
        Error::Windows( );
        throw L"Files::Enumerate(): FindFirstFile";

void Files::Enumerate( std::function<bool(std::wstring&, const wchar_t * )> callback, std::wstring path, std::wstring extension, bool recurse )
    auto lambda = [&]( std::wstring& path, const wchar_t * fileName ) -> bool
        std::wstring name( fileName );
        if ( Files::EndsWith( name, extension ) )
            return callback( path, fileName );

        return true;

    Files::Enumerate( lambda, path, recurse );

const wchar_t * Files::GetBasePath( wchar_t * buffer, size_t length )
    for ( size_t i = length - 1; buffer[i] != L'\\' && i >= 0; --i )
        buffer[i] = '\0';

    return buffer;

Desktop::Desktop( bool revert ) : EXTENSION( L".lnk" ), revert( revert )
    Com.Assert( SHGetKnownFolderPath( FOLDERID_Desktop, 0, nullptr, &path ), L"SHGetKnownFolderPath( FOLDERID_DESKTOP, ... )" );

const wchar_t * Desktop::GetPath( )
    return path;

std::vector<DesktopShortcut>& Desktop::GetShortcuts( )
    if ( !shortcuts.empty( ) )
        shortcuts.clear( );

        [&]( std::wstring& filePath, const wchar_t * fileName ) -> bool
            shortcuts.emplace_back( ( filePath + fileName ).c_str( ), revert );
            return true;

    return shortcuts;

Desktop::~Desktop( )
    CoTaskMemFree( path );

DesktopShortcut::DesktopShortcut( const wchar_t * path, bool revert ) : revert( revert )
    ShellLink = ( IShellLinkW * )Com.GetObject( CLSID_ShellLink, IID_IShellLink );
    PersistFile = ( IPersistFile * )Com.GetInterface( ShellLink, IID_IPersistFile );

    Com.Assert( PersistFile->Load( path, 0 ), path );
    Com.Assert( ShellLink->Resolve( nullptr, SLR_NO_UI ),  L"ShellLink->Resolve" );

    std::wcout << path << L"\n";
    if ( revert );
        this->GetIcon( &oldIconPath, &oldIconIndex );

void DesktopShortcut::SetIcon( const wchar_t * path, int index )
    Com.Assert( ShellLink->SetIconLocation( path, index ), L"ShellLink->SetIconLocation" );
    this->Save( );

void DesktopShortcut::GetIcon( std::wstring ** path, int * index )
     *path = new std::wstring( MAX_PATH, '\0' );
     std::wcout << *path << L"\n";
     Com.Assert( ShellLink->GetIconLocation( &( **path )[0], MAX_PATH, index ), L"ShellLink->GetIconLocation" );
     std::wcout << ( **path ) << L"\n";
     ( *path )->resize( wcslen( ( *path )->c_str( ) ) );
     std::wcout << ( **path ) << L"\n";

void DesktopShortcut::GetIcon( std::wstring ** path )
    int foo = 0;
    this->GetIcon( path, &foo );

void DesktopShortcut::GetIcon( int& path )
    std::wstring ** foo = nullptr;
    this->GetIcon( foo, &path );
    delete foo;

void DesktopShortcut::Save( )
    Com.Assert( PersistFile->Save( nullptr, false ), L"PersistFile->Save" );
    PersistFile->SaveCompleted( nullptr );

DesktopShortcut::~DesktopShortcut( )
    if ( revert )
        this->SetIcon( ( *oldIconPath ).c_str( ), oldIconIndex );
        delete oldIconPath;
I get output such as the following before it crashes:


C:\Users\Chris\Desktop\Eclipse Java Mars.lnk

C:\Users\Chris\Desktop\Excel 2013.lnk
Many thanks, OldManJenkins.