Thread: How do I get&use my AI's camera's images if I don't have them beforehand in my code!

  1. #31
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    what.......what from my reply made you say that?...I know they use math with the electronic components and hold 1s&0s...
    Last edited by ADVANCESSSS; 01-10-2016 at 12:22 AM.

  2. #32
    Ticked and off
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    What made me say that? Your response. Your "understanding" that "they use math with the electronic components and hold 1s & 0s .." proves the point. That is like claiming that all human communication is just them flapping their fleshy bits. It completely misses how complex, and information-rich, the actual situation is. It's like a three-year-olds understanding of how things work.

    You, my friend, are utterly, fascinatingly, stupid.

    I explained that the whining noise is due to electostriction, most often in low-quality or old capacitors. I explained how you can pinpoint the subsystem (display, or graphics card). You expressed incredulity: that it cannot be so, because you observe it in a specific situation only. If you had understood my post, and understood how complex the algorithms and operations in a computer are, you'd understand that the cause must be in your graphics card or motherboard, and that my explanation not only fits, it makes sense.

  3. #33
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    Let me try to word your problem in terms you can understand:

    """"Brain sponge bad. Transfer cords broken. Neuro field particles=energies low. Hamster/turkey/tunafish.""""

  4. #34
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    Hey hey hey hey hey...I seen the link to wiki and your comment on how my old capacitors are whistling when blahblah is goin on I read it and agree I never said I didn't. All I said is when behind a window it whisled from in my pc and when not behind window was totally quite~

    Read all of this I feel like it'll be half read. Now I know alot alot of things, everything, that's why I have ♚The Everything♔, I know I can even get girl hands/arms/legs/face/organs/veins/skin transplants did you know that? Money ect is in there, including all immortality ways. So you better tell me how these fleshy flappy computer REALLY work, what, I NEED to know, yes go ahead and tell me already~ Let's see what I don't know~ (trying to make sure you know what I want here)(though of course all the less main-important things I may not know/need to know, but first we're seeing what this is you're talking about~). So go ahead~

    Now, c++ was easy to learn 40% of it in 4days, it was all there in a manual I found. But putting it in a robot to manage its memory is not, so for this part at least I must hire. Can you even make some c++ code affect my pc's HD disk memory or other programs or is it not connected?? Like ex. save images and link em too.
    Last edited by ADVANCESSSS; 01-10-2016 at 02:49 PM.

  5. #35
    Lurking whiteflags's Avatar
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    Can you even make some c++ code affect my pc's HD disk memory or other programs or is it not connected??
    Well pretty much everything on the hard disk is a type of file. You might be interested in these:

    This is a small sample of the things necessary for working with certain types of files. As usual, there is likely more detail out there then you actually care about.

    You can also search the web for this and the other topic. There is information out there on inter-process communication through pipes, or spawning child processes. It is operating system specific, though. Again, specific examples require specific goals in mind. We aren't mind readers.
    Last edited by whiteflags; 01-10-2016 at 03:02 PM.

  6. #36
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    I have no clue whether that's a yes or c++ like lego blocks self-contained OR is it possible to make only c++ code ex. start deleting images off my HD?

  7. #37
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    And like why isn't it cout, that's the input/output commands....I really need some source code to see how IT does it! (take and give images from disk).

    I'll see your links though...

  8. #38
    Lurking whiteflags's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ADVANCESSSS View Post
    I have no clue whether that's a yes or no.....
    A yes or no answer would have been very unhelpful I think. I mean, you asked a very broad question, so just leaving it at a "yes" doesn't explain how to do anything interesting.

    is c++ like lego blocks self-contained OR is it possible to make only c++ code ex. start deleting images off my HD?
    Yes. The boost filesystem library can do it. You can also do it through the C API, by calling remove().

    And like why isn't it cout, that's the input/output commands....I really need some source code to see how IT does it! (take and give images from disk).
    Could you at least look first and complain later? Information does not fall into ones lap.

    Also didn't someone a long time ago link you to a library that works with cameras? Did you ignore that?
    Last edited by whiteflags; 01-10-2016 at 03:26 PM.

  9. #39
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    Is the I/O command operations this?: (How dare you's not tell me when I first asked and whined about my problem 3 days ago, and you's knew the keyword! At least I think this below may be it, idk you guys are just...nvm onlyIknowThisToMyselfShhShhh)

    The most important of the basic stream operations are:

    1. First, the stream is initialized with the appropriate type (like a std::string for a stringstream and the filename for an fstream) of values and suitable modes (like ios::in for input and ios:: out for output and many more depending on the type of the stream).
    2. After that, you can specify where the I/O should occur, through the get and put pointers. Depending on how you open the stream, the location may already be set appropriately (for example, if you open a file with ios::app, your get pointer set at the end of the stream, allowing appends).The member functions associated with setting the get and put pointers are:
      • seekg()and seekp() for .dragging. the get and put pointer, respectively, to the position specified. Both seek methods take an argument (of type streampos) providing a position in the file relative to the beginning of the file (using ios::beg), the end of the file (using ios::end), or the current position (using ios::cur). You may also provide just a specific location, such as io::beg, for the beginning of the file.
      • tellg() and tellp() provide the current location of the get and put pointers, respectively

      The following one-liners should clear up most questions:
      seekg(0); seekg(0,ios::beg); //sets the get pointer to the beginning.
      seekg(5,ios::beg); //sets the get pointer to 5 chars forward of the beginning.
      tellp(); tellg() //returns the current value of the put/get pointer
      seekp(-10,ios::end); //sets the put pointer to 10 chars before the end
      seekp(1,ios::cur); //proceeds to next char

      N.B: Be careful when seeking the put pointer into the middle of in the stream. If you put anything in the stream, it will go directly into the stream at the put location, overwriting the previous contents. In other words, if you need to insert data in the middle of a stream, you have to manually move the data that would be overwritten. As a side note, if you're finding yourself doing that too often, then you may want to use a string representation of your data, which can simplify this kind of random access operation.
    3. Once you're at the right location in the stream, input and output is done through the << and >> operators. If you want to input an object to the stream, use the << operator; for output, use >>. The class for your object must, of course, have provided overloads for these methods. Here's a short example:
      //Inserts var into string (like objects are displayed by
      // putting them to cout)
      //Gets the value from the stream's characters positioned
      // after the get pointer and puts it into var.

      If var is an object (either a built in class or a user defined type), the exact process of the input or output is dependent on the overloaded >> or << operator respectively.

  10. #40
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    I bet all I need to do is have my robot AI save camera's images and then do the accesses where saved...Cus I can code my AI, but need to do what I said in opening post. Then again Idk if this solves all of the op post wait a minute...

  11. #41
    Lurking whiteflags's Avatar
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    Is the I/O command operations this?
    Yes, this is what reads and writes come down to doing, along with basic error handling.

    Some people argue that C++'s stream design is not the best because if there is an error, the object will turn into a zombie and do nothing else until you handle the error. (This is why cin has members like good(), bad(), and clear() to reset the stream state). An example of an error is when the cin should receive an integer and the user types, say "two" instead of 2. You could run code like:
    #include <iostream>
    #include <limits>
    using namespace std;
    int main() {
        cout << "Enter an integer (" << numeric_limits<int>::min() << " to "
             << numeric_limits<int>::max() << ")" << endl;
        long x;
        while (! (cin >> x) ) {
            cout << "Enter something numeric please." << endl;
            cin.ignore(numeric_limits<streamsize>::max(), '\n');
        cout << "You entered " << x << "." << endl;
    Most people would choose to read an integer as a string first and convert types with a stringstream or boost::lexical_cast. But it is still necessary to learn these basic operations because of other types of objects you could stream.

    How dare you's not tell me when I first asked and whined about my problem 3 days ago, and you's knew the keyword!
    Ah, feeling entitled and ignored? You actually asked a very different question 3 days ago. I'm still thinking that the posts you have received earlier in the thread matter more. You are apparently working with a camera which would require a library like OpenCV. Working with files like this is likely to play a minor role in your AI -- like logging errors. To receive such an insult from you after such helpful replies... check your privilege!

  12. #42
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    Settle down settle down, where's that cute little image in you, I just need to know this last step before I can create my AI.
    Can't I set the above operation to get images just saved and have them check if match and also send them to a function to take certain 1s&0s and send these to motors?

    And know what nominal animal meant (read where you left off yesterday ((a few replies up^))).
    Last edited by ADVANCESSSS; 01-10-2016 at 04:22 PM.

  13. #43
    Lurking whiteflags's Avatar
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    Can't I set the above operation to get images just saved and have them check if match and also send them to a function to take certain 1s&0s and send these to motors?
    I feel like you are asking things that I already explained. If you want computer vision, it's going to be more complex than this, and the library you were linked to earlier will help.

  14. #44
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    But, what the hell is SQLAPI do, I'm about to make my browser 1 tab less ^.^

  15. #45
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