Thread: Not sure what my error is

  1. #1
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Apr 2002

    Not sure what my error is

    I'm just about finished with my assignment, but I am getting the following error:

    [Linker Fatal Error] Fatal: Illegal VIRDEF fixup index in module

    My assignment is:

    The purpose of this assignment is for you to compile and build a simple C++ application for sorting an array of String objects. You are required to implement both the Selection Sort Algorithm and the Binary Search Algorithm.

    I had the entire program running up to the point where I had to search the list of words and definitions... The following is the code for the definition of the function that is causing the error... does anybody have any idea what the error might be?

    int SearchWord(String A[], String& Key, int N)
    // Purpose: This function will search for the position of the
    //          Key stored in array A. It uses the steps of the
    //          BinarySearch algorithm.
    // Initialize the indices Low and High.
         int Middle;
         int Low = 0;
         int High = N -1;
    // While Low is not greater than High, search for a match.
         while ( Low <= High )
         // Determine the middle of the table.
               Middle = (Low + High) / 2;
         // Check if the middle array element has a key that
         // matches Key.
               if( Key == A[Middle])
                      return Middle;
               // Determine which half of the array to search.
                      if( Key < A[Middle])
                            High = Middle - 1;
                            Low = Middle + 1;
          return ( -1 );
    I will post the code in its entirety if that would help.

  2. #2
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Screw it... here is the full code:
    // =========================================================== //
    // PROGRAM: Assignment16.cpp
    // AUTHOR:
    // DATE:
    // PURPOSE: This program sorts an array of words followed by 
    //          the user being able to search for a word and read 
    //          it meaning.
    // ========================================================== //
    #include <fstream.h>
    #include "tstring.h"
    const int MAXSIZE = 10;
    // The following list the prototypes used by this application.
    void getData(String A[], String B[], int& N);
    void SortWords(String A[], String B[], int N);
    void Swap(String& X, String& Y);
    void DisplayWords(String A[], int N);
    int  SearchWord(String A[], String& Key, int N);
    void main()
    // The following objects are local to this function.
         String   Words[MAXSIZE];          // Array of words.
         String   Defines[MAXSIZE];        // Array of definitions
                                           // for the words in array
                                           // "Words."
         String   Key;
         int      Count, Index;
         char     Response;
    // The following step reads unsorted words from a text file.
         getData(Words, Defines, Count);
    // The following sorts the words in ascending order using the 
    // selection sort.
         SortWords(Words, Defines, Count);
    // The following displays the words in the array after being 
    // sorted.
         cout << "Dictionary: \n";
         DisplayWords(Words, Count);
    // The following allows the student to search for a word within 
    // the dictionary of words.
         // Prompt for a word to search the array of words.
              cout << "\nEnter word for searching: ";
              cin >> Key;
              Index = SearchWord(Words, Key, Count);
              if( Index >= 0 )
              // Report on the definition of the word.
                   cout << Words[Index] << ": "
                        << Defines[Index] << endl;
              // Report that the word does not exist.
                   cout << "This word is not in the array." << endl;
          // Prompt the user to repeat another search.
              cout << "\nRepeat this search process "
                   << "(Enter 'Y' to continue): ";
              cin >> Response;
              cin.ignore(80, '\n');
         } while( Response == 'Y' || Response == 'y' );
    // --------------- Free Function Definitions ------------------
    void getData(String A[], String B[], int& N)
    // Purpose: This function enters the words into array A and the
    //          definitions into array B.
    // The following are objects local to this function.
         fstream   infile;
         String    Word, Definition;
    // Open the unsorted file of words. This file also contains
    // their definitions."Data.dat", ios :: in);
         if( !infile )
              cout << "Input file does not exist.";
    // Set the count on the number of words to zero.
         N = 0;
    // Continue to read the infile for the next word and its meaning.
         // Read the word and its definition.
              infile >> Word;
              infile.ignore(80, '\n');
              getline(infile, Definition);
         // Test if the end-of-file has been reached or the number
         // of words read is equal to MAXSIZE.
              if( infile.eof() || N == MAXSIZE ) break;
         // Assign the last word read to array A and its definition
         // to array B.
              A[N] = Word;
              B[N] = Definition;
         // Increment the word counter by one.
    void SortWords(String A[], String B[], int N)
    // Purpose: This function sorts array A in ascending order using
    //          the selection sort algorithm.
        for(int Pass = 0; Pass < N - 1; ++Pass)
        // Establish the initial values for temp and mark.
             String  temp = A[Pass];
             int  mark = Pass;
        // Compare the remaining unsorted elements of array A
        // with temp.
             for( int I = Pass + 1;I < N; ++I)
                   if( temp > A[I])
                         mark = I;
                         temp = A[I];
        // Swap the smallest element of the remaining part of the
        // array with A[pass].
             Swap(A[Pass], A[mark]);
             Swap(B[Pass], B[mark]);
    void Swap(String& X, String& Y)
    // Purpose: This function interchange the values represented 
    //          by X and Y.
        String temp = X;
        X = Y;
        Y = temp;
    void DisplayWords(String A[], int N)
    // Purpose: Display the list of words stored in array A.
        for(int I = 0; I < N; ++I)
            cout << A[I] << endl;
    int SearchWord(String A[], String& Key, int N)
    // Purpose: This function will search for the position of the
    //          Key stored in array A. It uses the steps of the
    //          BinarySearch algorithm.
    // Initialize the indices Low and High.
         int Middle;
         int Low = 0;
         int High = N -1;
    // While Low is not greater than High, search for a match.
         while ( Low <= High )
         // Determine the middle of the table.
               Middle = (Low + High) / 2;
         // Check if the middle array element has a key that
         // matches Key.
               if( Key == A[Middle])
                      return Middle;
               // Determine which half of the array to search.
                      if( Key < A[Middle])
                            High = Middle - 1;
                            Low = Middle + 1;
          return ( -1 );

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