
I'm learning C++ from the book of the creator of this website, Jumping into C++.

Under chapter 8, randomizing your programs, I've stumbled upon the following practice problem:

5. Write a program to play poker! You can provide 5 cards to the player, let that player choose new cards, and then determine how good the hand is. Think about whether this is easy to do. What problems might you have in terms of keeping track of cards that have been drawn already? Was this easier or harder than the slot machine?
I used to play poker so I'm a little confused in what exactly is being asked here. Do I need to write a program that deals 5 random cards, gives the player the option to trash the current cards and deal 5 new cards and then evaluate whether there is a winner in these 5 cards, i.e. pair, straight etc...?

The question before asked to create a minimalistic slot machine so I'm just wondering whether this question is cutting out some of the details of poker like dealing two cards to players etc... as well.