Thread: Templates, lambdas and overloaded operators

  1. #1
    Ultraviolence Connoisseur
    Join Date
    Mar 2004

    Templates, lambdas and overloaded operators

    What I'm trying to do is create a class for constructing an 'op tree' for parsing infix notation.

    I started with a base class that uses a map of lambdas to actually calculate the operations (since they are mostly 1 line functions) of passed in integer or float values.

    This base class just uses a templated T type as the lvalue and rvalue. I realized though that if I overload the math operators, +, -, etc.. I could also use the class itself as a type for the lvalue and rvalue. This lead me to think I could easily create the op tree by using Operation class members themselves as operands, which I think makes sense but I'm having some trouble expressing the code.

    Heres what I have thus far
    #include <map>
    #include <string>
    #include <algorithm>
    #include <iostream>
    namespace Calc {
        template<typename T> 
        struct Operation {
            Operation() = default;
            Operation(const Operation&) = default;
            Operation(Operation&&) = default;
            Operation(std::string op, T rval=0, T lval=0) : opsymbol{op}, rvalue{rval}, lvalue{lval} { }
            T execute();
            const std::string& symbol() { return opsymbol; }
            T rval() { return rvalue; }
            T lval() { return lvalue; }
            friend T operator+(const Operation<T>& rval, const Operation<T>& lval)
                return rval.execute() + lval.execute(); 
            friend T operator-(const Operation<T>& rval, const Operation<T>& lval)
                return rval.execute() - lval.execute(); 
            friend T operator/(const Operation<T>& rval, const Operation<T>& lval)
                return rval.execute() / lval.execute(); 
            friend T operator*(const Operation<T>& rval, const Operation<T>& lval)
                return rval.execute() * lval.execute(); 
                std::string opsymbol;
                T rvalue;
                T lvalue;
        template<typename T> 
        T Operation<T>::execute() 
            static const std::map<std::string, std::function<T(T,T)>> opfunc = {
                {"+", [](T rval, T lval) -> T { return rval + lval; } },
                {"-", [](T rval, T lval) -> T { return rval - lval; } },
                {"*", [](T rval, T lval) -> T { return rval * lval; } },
                {"/", [](T rval, T lval) -> T { return rval / lval; } },
            T ret;
            if (opfunc.count(opsymbol)) { /* If exists in map.. */
                const auto& func =;
                ret = func(rvalue, lvalue);
            return ret;
    int main(void)
        Calc::Operation<double> plus{"+", 5, 5};
        Calc::Operation<double> minus{"-", 5, 5};
        Calc::Operation<double> times{"*", 5, 5};
        Calc::Operation<Calc::Operation<int>> tree{"+", 
            {"+", 5, 5}, {"-", 3, 0}
        std::cout << plus.execute() << std::endl;
        std::cout << minus.execute() << std::endl;
        std::cout << times.execute() << std::endl;
        int result = tree.execute();
    //    std::cout << tree.execute() << std::endl;
        return 0;
    I'm getting the following errors when compiling:
     $ g++ -o calc -std=c++11 -Wall In instantiation of ‘Calc::Operation<T>::execute() [with T = Calc::Operation<int>]::<lambda(Calc::Operation<int>, Calc::Operation<int>)>’:   required from ‘struct Calc::Operation<T>::execute() [with T = Calc::Operation<int>]::<lambda(struct Calc::Operation<int>, struct Calc::Operation<int>)>’   required from ‘T Calc::Operation<T>::execute() [with T = Calc::Operation<int>]’   required from here error: could not convert ‘Calc::operator+((*(const Calc::Operation<int>*)(& rval)), (*(const Calc::Operation<int>*)(& lval)))’ from ‘int’ to ‘Calc::Operation<int>’ confused by earlier errors, bailing out
    I was hoping I could get some tips on how to structure this whole idea and how to procede with the concept I'm trying to acheive.

    Example, if you look at the main() function I create normal operations easily with integer values. I then try to create a "tree" operation that includes 2 sub-operations as it's rvalue and lvalue, that is where I'm having some conceptual problems as far as implementing the code to do that.

  2. #2
    Master Apprentice phantomotap's Avatar
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    Jan 2008

    Yog Sothoth!

    Your code is atrocious. I am expecting a post with const-correct code.

    In any event, the result of evaluating a complex is not necessarily related to the type contained because your operators always resolve to the contained type.

    In other words, the type `execute' returns within the complex is `Operation<int>' not the resulting `int' from evaluating `Operation<int>("+", 5, 5) + Operation<int>("-", 3, 0)' that you want.

    You need to condition the type `execute' and friends return based on whether or not the contained is an expression or a complex.

    The evaluated `int' returned from the complex will then chain properly to the client.

    Because you are already using C++11 features, you could use C++11 features to resolve the type instead of developing a solution.

    You can just throw `auto' and `decltype' at most of the utilities and overloads.


        typename T
    struct result; // ...
    template<typename T>
    typename result<T>::value Operation<T>::execute() const;
    Last edited by phantomotap; 02-16-2015 at 07:47 PM.
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  3. #3
    Ultraviolence Connoisseur
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    Mar 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by phantomotap View Post

    Yog Sothoth!

    Your code is atrocious. I am expecting a post with const-correct code.
    I'll be sure to read up on what I'm missing in that department, I know I'm lacking in explicity.

    As for the rest of your post, thank you very much that was just the advice I was looking for.

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