Hi All

I have created a smart pointer implementation. Below is the code. Could you guys have a look and suggest that approach is correct or not.
One point I want to mention that, for count I have used static. On net I found that pointer variable is used.

Can u guys please suggest why can’t we used static count?

Below is the code:

using namespace std;

template<class T>
class sharedPtr
        T* ShrdPtr;
        static int refCount;


		    ShrdPtr = new  T;

			cout <<" \nIn Default Ctr: "<<refCount;

        ~sharedPtr( )
             if( --(refCount) == 0 )
                        delete ShrdPtr;
				std::cout << "inside destructor refCount = " << refCount << "\n";
        sharedPtr<T>& operator=( const sharedPtr& ptr );
        sharedPtr( const sharedPtr& ptr );
       // T* operator->( ) { return ShrdPtr; }
     //   T& operator*() { return *ShrdPtr; }

template<class T>  sharedPtr<T>& sharedPtr<T>::operator=( const sharedPtr<T>& ptr )
        this->ShrdPtr = ptr.ShrdPtr;
        this->refCount = ptr.refCount;
		 std::cout << endl<<"inside assignment operator="<<refCount<<endl;
        return *this;

template<class T>
sharedPtr<T>::sharedPtr( const sharedPtr& ptr )
         this->ShrdPtr = ptr.ShrdPtr;
        this->refCount = ptr.refCount;
		 std::cout << endl<<"inside copy constructor="<<refCount<<endl;

 template<class T> int sharedPtr<T>::refCount = 0;

int main( int argc, char* argv[] )
			    sharedPtr<int> p ;
                sharedPtr<int> q = p;
				sharedPtr<int> x(q);
				sharedPtr<int> z;
				z = q;

        return 0;
Implementation still not complete. Waiting for suggestion before proceeding.
