Thanks so much One more thing, i want to test myself for i can know what are functions when i see them. In this whole code im going to name what are the functions in comments, if you can correct me when it is needed that would be great.

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int mult(int x, int y)        // 'mult' a function
    return x * y;     // 'return' is a function
int main()          // 'main' is a function
    int x;
    int y;

    cout << "Please input two numbers to be multiplied: ";  // 'cout' is a function??
    cin >> x >> y;        // cin is a function??
    cin.ignore();       // cin.ignore() is a function
    cout << "The product of your two numbers is " << mult(x, y) << "\n";
    cin.get();        // cin.get() is a function
Thanks for the help!