Thread: Problem in template that uses "decltype", "typename", and "std::remove_reference"

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    Calgary, Canada

    Problem in template that uses "decltype", "typename", and "std::remove_reference"

    Afternoon all,

    I have got a problem here that I cannot get sorted out.

    The attached code runs fine as coded. If, however, you uncomment the alternate return lines 82 and 89 (in UnorderedMap::c0val and UnorderedMap::c1val), compile time errors result.

    This bugs me, because those commented out return lines show the approach I would really prefer to use.

    I have just started learning how to use the new C++11 "decltype" and "std::remove_reference" features in the past few days, so my mistake almost certainly lies at lines 42 to 45, in Sheet::data<I>(), where these are both being used.

    Anyways, here's the code:

    #include <tuple>
    #include <unordered_map>
    #include <vector>
    #include <type_traits>
    #include <cstdio>
    // Compiler used: gcc version 4.6.3 on Ubuntu, via g++ Typename.C -std=c++0x
    template<class C0, class C1>
    class Sheet
      // Simple "spreadsheet" class with an embedded 2-tuple.
      // Here std::get<0>(embed) is an std::vector<C0>, the "first column",
      //  and std::get<1>(embed) is an std::vector<C1>, the "second column".
                 std::vector<C1>>   embed;
      // Template function to return the std::vector::data() pointers of the
      //   C0 and C1 vectors in the embedded object.
      // Since std::get<I>() returns an std::vector<C0 or C1>&, but we want a
      //   (C0*) or (C1*), we need to strip away the reference, and then use
      //   std::vector::value_type to get (C0) or (C1), and add a pointer.
      // I have little experience with "decltype", so this is almost certainly
      //   where the mistake lies.
      // Notice that both std::remove_reference::type and std::vector::value_type
      //   are typenames, but I've got only one "typename" listed here; that
      //   bugs me. (I did try using remove_reference_t, but couldn't figure out
      //   the correct syntax for its use.)
      template<int I>
      auto data() -> typename std::remove_reference
                              < decltype(std::get<I>(embed))
                              > ::type
                              ::value_type *
        return std::get<I>(embed).data();
      // Forwarders to the data<I>() template.
      // You'll see in a minute why we need these.
      C0* c0data() { return data<0>(); }
      C1* c1data() { return data<1>(); }
    template<class Key, class C0, class C1>
    class UnorderedMap
      // Now, a class with an embedded unordered_map of Keys to Sheet<C0,C1>s.
      std::unordered_map<Key, Sheet<C0, C1>> uomap;
      // These forwarders take a Key argument, and return the data() pointers of
      //   the corresponding Sheet's std::vectors in the embedded unordered_map.
      // PROBLEM pops up at this point:
      // These *only* work when the Sheet::c0data/c1data forwarders are used.
      // Compilation fails if you try to use Sheet::data<I>, with this error:
      // "69:34: error: expected primary-expression before ‘)’ token".
      // Since the only thing Sheet::c0data/c1data do is to call Sheet::data<I>,
      //   I'm at a loss to explain this.
      C0* c0val(Key key)
      //return<0>(); // Compile time error
      C1* c1val(Key key)
      //return<1>(); // Compile time error
    // Test program.
    int main()
      // Create a simple three-row Sheet<float, double>.
      Sheet<float,double> s;
      std::get<0>(s.embed) = std::vector<float>  {1., 3., 5.};
      std::get<1>(s.embed) = std::vector<double> {2., 4., 6.};
      // Print out the addresses of the embedded float and double vectors,
      //   and their first elements (1. and 2.).
      printf("In original Sheet:\n");
      printf("Vectors are at  %p and %p\n",<0>(),<1>());
      printf("First values:   %f and %f\n",<0>()[0],<1>()[0]);
      // Now make up an UnorderedMap whose embedded object contains only one
      //   element: the above-defined Sheet, at integer Key value 3.
      UnorderedMap<int, float, double> x;
      x.uomap[3] = s;
      // Here in main(), there is no problem with using Sheet::data<I>.
      printf("In UnorderedMap:\n");
      printf("Vectors are at  %p and %p\n", x.uomap[3].data<0>(),    
      printf("First  values:  %f and %f\n", x.uomap[3].data<0>()[0], 
      printf("Second values:  %f and %f\n", x.c0val(3)[1],
    Last edited by Grumpulus; 12-08-2014 at 05:12 PM.

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