Thread: Run time check failure #0

  1. #1
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Dec 2014

    Run time check failure #0

    This program has worked on another computer but will not work on this one. It encounters

    run-time check failure #0 - the value of ESP was not properly saved across a function call. This is usually a result of calling a function declared with one calling convention with a function pointer declared with a different calling convention.

    when it gets to the stoi conversion in the overloaded operator. Does anyone know how I fix this? I have underlined the part where the error comes

    #include <string>    // for use of string
    #include <fstream>   //for file handling
    #include <iostream>  // for file handling
    #include <cstdlib>
    #include <iomanip>  //for the setprecision used further below
    using namespace std;
    struct MasterData      //struct created named 'MasterData' to hold one line from master file 
         string playerId,            
            int appearances,        
         double battingAvg, 
    struct MasterUpdate  // struct created for the Update of the master file
            string recordType;
            MasterData record;
    istream &operator>>(istream& in, MasterData& d)  //Overloads the input and output 
    {                                                //Overloads the ">>" operator
            string value;    //Temporary variable to hold the string form before actual conversion to string
            int i; 
            getline(in, d.playerId, ',');    
            getline(in, d.firstName, ',');
            getline(in, d.lastName, ',');
            getline(in, d.division, ',');
            getline(in, d.teamName, ',');
            getline(in, value, ',');
            d.appearances = stoi(value);  //stoi converts string to int and then stores it in MasterData
            getline(in, value, ',');
            d.atBats = stoi(value);
            getline(in, value, ',');
   = stoi(value);
            getline(in, value, ',');
            d.doubles = stoi(value);
            getline(in, value, ',');
            d.triples = stoi(value);
            getline(in, value, ',');
            d.homeRuns = stoi(value);
            getline(in, value, ',');
            d.sacFly = stoi(value);
            getline(in, value, ',');
            d.walks = stoi(value);
            getline(in, value, ',');
            d.hitByPitch = stoi(value);
            getline(in, value, ',');
            d.battingAvg = stod(value);  // stod converts string to double and then stores it in MasterData
            getline(in, value, ',');
            d.OBP = stod(value);
            getline(in, value, '\n');
            d.sluggingPercent = stod(value);
            return in;
    ostream &operator<<(ostream& out, MasterData d)
            //Overloads the "<<" operator
            out << setw(11) << d.playerId << "|"; 
            out << setw(15) << d.firstName << "|"; 
            out << setw(15) << d.lastName << "|";
            out << setw(15) << d.division << "|"; 
            out << setw(15) << d.teamName << "|"; 
            out << setw(15) << d.appearances << "|";
            out << setw(10) << d.atBats << "|"; 
            out << setw(10) << << "|"; 
            out << setw(10) << d.doubles << "|";
            out << setw(10) << d.triples << "|"; 
            out << setw(10) << d.homeRuns << "|"; 
            out << setw(10) << d.sacFly << "|";
            out << setw(10) << d.walks << "|"; 
            out << setw(15) << d.hitByPitch << "|";
            out << setprecision(3) << fixed;    //setprecision to allow 3 decimal places for calculated values (batting avg,OBP, slug%)
            out << setw(15) << d.battingAvg << "|";    
            out << setw(15) << d.OBP << "|"; 
            out << setw(15) << d.sluggingPercent << "|";
            out << "\n"; 
            return out;
    istream &operator>>(istream& in, MasterUpdate& u)  //Overload operators for MasterUpdate 
            //Overloads the ">>" operator (opposite of the one above)
            getline(in, u.recordType, ',');
            in >> u.record;
            return in;
        // Function Prototypes
        void swap(MasterData stats[], int x, int y); 
        void sortByBattingAvg(MasterData stats[], int length);
        void sortByDivThenBattingAvg(MasterData stats[], int length); 
        void sortByTeamThenDiv(MasterData stats[], int length);
        void printTop20Batters(ostream& out, MasterData stats[], int length);
        void printTop10PlayersbyDivision(ostream& out, MasterData stats[], int length);
        void printOffensiveStatsbyTeam(ostream& out, MasterData stats[], int length);
        void printNewMaster(ostream& out, MasterData stats[], int length);
        void printRecordCSV(ostream& out, MasterData d);
        void printHeaders(ostream& out);
        void lineA(ostream& out);
        void lineB(ostream& out);
    int main()
        ifstream inFile;"Master_Data.csv");
        MasterData current;
        MasterData stats[500];
        int length = 0;
        while (!inFile.eof()) 
                inFile >> current;
                stats[length] = current;
        //Update array for 2014 stats then print out the updated master file
        MasterUpdate update;
        ifstream inleagueData("2014_League_Stats.csv");
        string value;
        //Remove Headers
        for (int i = 0; i < 17; i++) 
            getline(inleagueData, value, ',');
            getline(inleagueData, value, '\n');
        //Make updates
        while (!inleagueData.eof())
            inleagueData >> update;
            switch (update.recordType[0])
            case 'D':                    //Delete player that did not return to league
                for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
                if (update.record.playerId == stats[i].playerId)
                    swap(stats, i, length - 1);
            case 'N':                    //Add new player that is entering the league
                stats[length] = update.record;
            case 'R':                    //Update stats for player returning to league 
                int position;
                for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
                if (update.record.playerId == stats[i].playerId)
                    position = i;
                //Update record based on new stats 
                stats[position].teamName = update.record.teamName;
                stats[position].division = update.record.division;
                stats[position].appearances += update.record.appearances;
                stats[position].atBats += update.record.atBats;
                stats[position].singles +=;
                stats[position].doubles += update.record.doubles;
                stats[position].triples += update.record.triples;
                stats[position].homeRuns += update.record.homeRuns;
                stats[position].sacFly += update.record.sacFly;
                stats[position].walks += update.record.walks;
                stats[position].hitByPitch += update.record.hitByPitch;
                //Update hits based on new stats
                double hits = 0;
                hits += stats[position].singles;
                hits += stats[position].doubles;
                hits += stats[position].triples;
                hits += stats[position].homeRuns;
                //Update total bases based on the updated hits
                double totalBases = 0;
                totalBases += stats[position].singles;
                totalBases += stats[position].doubles * 2;
                totalBases += stats[position].triples * 3;
                totalBases += stats[position].homeRuns * 4;
                //Update calculated fields for batting average, OBP, and slugging percent
                stats[position].OBP = ((hits + stats[position].walks + stats[position].hitByPitch)
                                        / stats[position].appearances);
                stats[position].sluggingPercent = (totalBases / stats[position].atBats);
        //Display the updated master file
            ofstream outNewMaster("2014_League_Stats.csv");
            printNewMaster(outNewMaster, stats, length);
        //Processing and Output 1 - Top 20 Batters Report
        sortByBattingAvg(stats, length);
        ofstream top20("Top 20 Batters.txt");
        printTop20Batters(top20, stats, length);
        //Processing and Output 2 - Top 10 Batters by Division Report
        sortByDivThenBattingAvg(stats, length);
        ofstream outTop10("Top 10 Players by Division Report.txt");
        printTop10PlayersbyDivision(outTop10, stats, length);
        //Processing and Output 3 - Offensive Stats by Team Report
        sortByTeamThenDiv(stats, length);
        ofstream outTeamStats("Offensive Stats by Team.txt");
        printOffensiveStatsbyTeam(outTeamStats, stats, length);
    // Function Definitions 
    void swap(MasterData stats[], int x, int y)   //sort (x and y for positions)
            MasterData temp = stats[x];
            stats[x] = stats[y];
            stats[y] = temp;
    void sortByBattingAvg(MasterData stats[], int length)
        //select sort
        for (int holdPos = 0; holdPos < length - 1; holdPos++) //Position Holder Loop
            int maxPos = holdPos; //maxPos is recreated for each iteration of Position Holder Loop
            for (int valueFindPos = holdPos + 1; valueFindPos < length; valueFindPos++) //Value Finder Loop
                if (stats[valueFindPos].battingAvg > stats[maxPos].battingAvg) //Sort 
                    maxPos = valueFindPos;
                else if (stats[valueFindPos].battingAvg == stats[maxPos].battingAvg && stats[valueFindPos].sluggingPercent > stats[maxPos].sluggingPercent)
                    maxPos = valueFindPos;
            swap(stats, holdPos, maxPos); //Swaps biggest value foudn to holdPos (held position)
    void sortByDivThenBattingAvg(MasterData stats[], int length)    // Very similar (same logic) as above sort
        for (int i = 0; i < length - 1; i++)
            int maxIndex = i;
            for (int p = i + 1; p < length; p++)
                //Sort Logic
                if (stats[p].division > stats[maxIndex].division)
                    maxIndex = p;
                else if (stats[p].division == stats[maxIndex].division)
                if (stats[p].battingAvg > stats[maxIndex].battingAvg)
                    maxIndex = p;
            swap(stats, i, maxIndex);
    void sortByTeamThenDiv(MasterData stats[], int length)
        for (int i = 0; i < length - 1; i++)
            int maxPos = i;
            for (int p = i + 1; p < length; p++)
                //Sort Logic
                if (stats[p].teamName > stats[maxPos].teamName)
                    maxPos = p;
                else if (stats[p].teamName == stats[maxPos].teamName)
                if (stats[p].division > stats[maxPos].division)
                    maxPos = p;
                else if (stats[p].division == stats[maxPos].division)
                if (stats[p].battingAvg > stats[maxPos].battingAvg)
                    maxPos = p;
            swap(stats, i, maxPos);
    //Prints and Print Helpers
    void printTop20Batters(ostream& out, MasterData stats[], int length)
            for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) 
            out << stats[i];
    void printTop10PlayersbyDivision(ostream& out, MasterData stats[], int length)
        int counter = 0;
        string currentDivision = stats[0].division;
        printHeaders(out);                            //Prints Headers on top of report
        for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
            if (stats[i].division == currentDivision && counter < 10)
                out << stats[i];
            else if (stats[i].division != currentDivision)
                out << stats[i];
                counter = 1;
                currentDivision = stats[i].division;
    void printOffensiveStatsbyTeam(ostream& out, MasterData stats[], int length)
        int counter = 0;
        string currentTeam = stats[0].teamName;
        string currentDivision = stats[0].division;
        for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
            if (stats[i].teamName == currentTeam)
                if (stats[i].division != currentDivision)
                    currentDivision = stats[i].division;
                out << stats[i];
                out << stats[i];
                counter = 1;
                currentTeam = stats[i].teamName;
                currentDivision = stats[i].division;
    void printNewMaster(ostream& out, MasterData stats[], int length)
            for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) 
                printRecordCSV(out, stats[i]);
    void printRecordCSV(ostream& out, MasterData d)
            out << d.playerId << ',';
            out << d.firstName << ',';
            out << d.lastName << ',';
            out << d.division << ',';
            out << d.teamName << ',';
            out << d.appearances << ',';
            out << d.atBats << ',';
            out << << ',';
            out << d.doubles << ',';
            out << d.triples << ',';
            out << d.homeRuns << ',';
            out << d.sacFly << ',';
            out << d.walks << ',';
            out << d.hitByPitch << ',';
            out << setprecision(3) << fixed;
            out << d.battingAvg << ',';
            out << d.OBP << ',';
            out << d.sluggingPercent << '\n';
    void printHeaders(ostream& out)
            out << setw(11) << "Player ID" << "|"; 
            out << setw(15) << "First Name" << "|"; 
            out << setw(15) << "Last Name" << "|"; 
            out << setw(15) << "Division" << "|"; 
            out << setw(15) << "Team Name" << "|"; 
            out << setw(15) << "Appearances" << "|"; 
            out << setw(10) << "At Bats" << "|"; 
            out << setw(10) << "Singles" << "|"; 
            out << setw(10) << "Doubles" << "|"; 
            out << setw(10) << "Triples" << "|"; 
            out << setw(10) << "Home Runs" << "|"; 
            out << setw(10) << "Sac Flys" << "|"; 
            out << setw(10) << "Walks" << "|";
            out << setw(15) << "Hit by Pitch" << "|"; 
            out << setw(15) << "Batting Avg" << "|"; 
            out << setw(15) << "On Base %" << "|"; 
            out << setw(15) << "Slugging %" << "|"; 
            out << "\n";
            lineA(out);   // line printed for neatness in reports
    void lineA(ostream& out)  //line printed for neatness in reports
            for (int i = 0; i < 116; i++) 
                out  <<  "~~~";
                out  <<  "\n";
    void lineB(ostream& out)  //line printed for neatness in reports
            for (int i = 0; i < 116; i++) 
                out  <<  " ~ ";
                out  <<  "\n";
    Last edited by Salem; 12-02-2014 at 11:51 PM. Reason: removed formatting tags from the code

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    Inside my computer
    Either reduce your code so that one can glance at it to find the error or provide the input files so one can run and test it. Or both. Both is better.

    A few notes regarding the design, though:

    >> ifstream inFile;
    Equivalent to
    ifstream inFile("Master_Data.csv");

    >>MasterData stats[500];
    Use a vector and push_back instead of a fixed array since you don't know how many records there are in the file.

    >>while (!inFile.eof())
    Don't use eof() to control loops. eof() only returns false once you make a read that tries to read beyond the end of the file and hence fails. That means you read the last line twice.
    You should check if the read succeeded instead:

    T tmp;
    while (InFile >> tmp)
        //Remove Headers
        for (int i = 0; i < 17; i++) 
            getline(inleagueData, value, ',');
            getline(inleagueData, value, '\n');
    Either wrong indentation or it doesn't do what you think it does.

    You don't need to close files. They close automatically when they go out of scope. Only close them explicitly if you must.

    >>void sortByBattingAvg(MasterData stats[], int length)
    Use a vector. Vectors automatically know their length.

    >>swap(stats, holdPos, maxPos); //Swaps biggest value foudn to holdPos (held position)
    Equivalent to std::swap(stats[holdPos], stats[maxPos]);
    No need to roll your own swap.
    Quote Originally Posted by Adak View Post
    io.h certainly IS included in some modern compilers. It is no longer part of the standard for C, but it is nevertheless, included in the very latest Pelles C versions.
    Quote Originally Posted by Salem View Post
    You mean it's included as a crutch to help ancient programmers limp along without them having to relearn too much.

    Outside of your DOS world, your header file is meaningless.

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