I have two programs, a program that outputs the Fibonacci sequence with for loops, and a program that determines if a entered number is prime. The Fibonacci one prints the incorrect result, and the prime number one has incorrect output and the result seems to be based on the return statements. Here is my code:

For Fibonacci:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main ( ) {
    int count = 0;
    cout << "This program lists the Fibonacci sequence." << endl;
    cout << "How many terms? ";
    cin >> count;
    int tracker = 0;
            cout << "F(0) = " << tracker << endl;
            tracker = 1;
            cout << "F(1) = " << tracker << endl;
    for(int track = 2; track < count; track++) {
            int output = tracker + track;
            int ovar = track;
            ovar = tracker;
            output = ovar + tracker;
            cout << "F(" << track;
            cout << ") = " << output;
            cout << "" << endl;
for Prime numbers:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
bool isPrime(int prime) {
     while(true) { 
         int track;
         if(prime > track) {
                if(prime / track - 1 == 0) {
                         return 1; // I don't know what to return, this is a placeholder          
                         else {
                              return 0; // placeholder
                              else {
     int main ( ) {
         int number;
         cout << "Enter number: ";
         cin >> number;
         cout << "" << endl;
         cout << isPrime(number);
         if ( isPrime(number) ) {
         cout << number << " is not prime.";
         else {
         cout << number << " is prime.";
         return 0;
Please help. Also, do NOT post complete code as a reply, only help.