Quote Originally Posted by jimblumberg View Post
I suggest you take your own advice, and re-read your posts before you post them. Your post IMO is very misleading.

Look at those highlighted sections, to me you're saying you really aren't sure and are guessing. Even that "(if there are none defined) is misleading. What is that "none" you're talking about, the default no argument constructor or all constructors?

I'm confident that the majority would find it clear enough. I proofread all of my posts. You still quoted the only part relevant to proving your own side, and completely ignored the most critical part of my post, making an assumption without asking the questions if you weren't clear on what I was saying. You can cherry-pick the small irrelevancies without looking at the big picture of a post all you want, but what you're essentially trying to debate here is not much different than saying that a green and a red apple aren't the same fruit because they are a different color.