I'm new to C++. I wrote this simple program to help other understand the basic of Pointer. I has not been proofread but I hope it will help you.

/* this program demonstrates the use of a pointer the variables x and y are printed then the pointer gets the address where each are stored. It prints that addresses. The pointer is then refererenced by *pname and gets the value of each variable through the pointer  */

 #include <iostream>
 using namespace std;
 int main ()
   int x = 3;  //declare and initialize the variables
   int y = 7;
   int *pname;  //declare a pointer
   cout << x << endl; //prints 3 the value held in x
   pname = &x; //the pointer gets address where x is stored
   cout << pname << endl; // print the address where x is stored
   cout << * pname << endl; //prints the value held in x
   cout << y << endl; //prints 7 the value held in y
   pname = &y; //pointer gets address where y is stored
   cout << pname << endl; //prints the address where y is stored
   cout << *pname << endl; //prints the value held in y
   return 0;