I keep getting an error here and cant quite figure out why, can someone help me please

else if (mainMenu == 3){

    cout << "Please make a selection" << endl
           << "    1) Withdraw from account" << endl
           << "    3) Back to main menu" << endl;
        cin >> withdrawMenu;
if (withdrawMenu == 1){
    cout << "Please Enter sum you wish to withdraw from account" << endl;
     cin >> withdraw;
     if ( withdraw > balance){          
cout << "Value Exceeds Current balance Please enter new amount\n" << endl;
cin >> withdraw;
           cout << " You Have Withdrawn " << withdraw << " From your Accout" << endl;
           balance = balance - withdraw;
           cout << " Balance is now " << balance << endl;
     else {
            cout << " You Have Withdrawn " << withdraw << " From your Accout" << endl;
            balance = balance - withdraw;
            cout << " Balance is now " << balance << endl;
            else if (withdrawMenu != 3) //<<<<<<<<<<<<here
                    cout << "Invalid entry. Try again" << endl;    

            } while (withdrawMenu != 3);
else if (mainMenu != 4)
            cout << "Invalid entry. Try again \n\n";
    } while (mainMenu != 4);

    return 0;