I am having a great deal of trouble getting the following to work.

I define "Comwords" as a string, but apparently it takes the members as chars, then I can't set strings in a structure equal to the chars.

I see to also be having unknown problems with the ComMAL array and loading it values into another element of the same structure.

Might someone please show me how to correct this? I was thinking of casting char elements as strings, but could find no reference in my library book regarding how to do that (lots on casting int's a doubles...)

Thanks in advance for any help!

int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
	int comm = 10;
	int targ = 5;
	int death;
	struct AI_WORDS
	string word;
	int MAL;
	string Comwords[]={"cat","dog","elephant"};
	int ComMAL[]={10,10,10};
	int TheNum = sizeof Comwords/(sizeof Comwords[0]);
	AI_WORDS Com_WM[3];
	//AI_WORDS *Com_WM=new AI_WORDS[TheNum];
	for(int i =0;i<TheNum;i++)