I need some help can you tell me the code that will give me this output. I have been trying to figure it out and I an so lost

Write a C program that allows the user to make some simple banking transactions. The program should first prompt the user to enter the current balance of his/her bank account (in dollars and cents). The program should then prompt the user to enter the number of deposits to make, and then the number of withdrawals to make.

Using a loop, the program should then prompt the user to enter the amount of the first deposit (to add to the bank account balance), the amount of the second deposit, the third, … etc., until the “number of deposits” has been processed.

Using a second loop, the program should then prompt the user to enter the amount of the first withdrawal (to subtract from the bank account balance), the amount of the second withdrawal, the third, …, etc. until the “number of withdrawals” has been processed.

Once all deposits and withdrawals have been made, the program should output the ending balance.

The dialog with the user should look like:

Enter current balance in dollars and cents: 256.40
Enter the number of deposits: 3
Enter the number of withdrawals: 2

Enter the amount of deposit #1: 10.50
Enter the amount of deposit #2: 12.25
Enter the amount of deposit #3: 125.30

Enter the amount of withdrawal #1: 120.35
Enter the amount of withdrawal #2: 35.60

*** The closing balance is $248.50 ***

At this point, the program should also output one of the following messages based on the closing balance. That is:

If the closing balance is greater than or equal to 5000.00, output:
"*** Time to invest some money! ***"

If the closing balance is between 2000.00 and 4999.99, output:
"*** Maybe you should consider a CD. ***"

If the closing balance is between 1000.00 and 1999.99, output:
"*** Keep up the good work. ***"

If the closing balance is between 0.00 and 999.99, output:
"*** Your balance is very low. ***"

So, in the above example, the last 2 lines of sample output would be:

*** The closing balance is $248.50 ***
*** Your balance is very low. ***

Regarding error checking on user input, the following check should be made while users are entering the “withdrawal amounts”. If the withdrawal amount exceeds the current balance, the program should issue the following error message:

*** Withdrawal amount exceeds current balance. ***

The program should then re-prompt for a lower withdrawal amount, so not to go below current balance amount.

So, for example, a sample run of the program with error checking might look like:

Enter current balance in dollars and cents: 256.40
Enter the number of deposits: 3
Enter the number of withdrawals: 2

Enter the amount of deposit #1: 10.50
Enter the amount of deposit #2: 12.25
Enter the amount of deposit #3: 125.30

Enter the amount of withdrawal #1: 5000.00
*** Withdrawal amount exceeds current balance. ***
Enter the amount of withdrawal #1: 120.35
Enter the amount of withdrawal #2: 35.60

*** The closing balance is $248.50 ***
*** Your balance is very low. ***