Please can somebody tell me why C++ Builder 5 is throughing this error i am trying to make visible true or false when an option is selected from the comboBox but i am getting an error.
I have attached my code here for better understanding,
help if u can i am stuck on the assignment.
thankyou all for ur time.


#include <vcl.h>
#pragma hdrstop

#include "AddressBook.h"
#include "Entry.h"
#include "FriendEntry.h"
#pragma package(smart_init)
#pragma resource "*.dfm"
TProgramScreen *ProgramScreen;
__fastcall TProgramScreen::TProgramScreen(TComponent* Owner)
: TForm(Owner)
void __fastcall TProgramScreen::exitButtonClick(TObject *Sender)
ShowMessage("Press Ok! to Exit");
void __fastcall TProgramScreen::addButtonClick(TObject *Sender)
AnsiString firstName = ProgramScreen->fnameBox->Text;
AnsiString surName = ProgramScreen->snameBox->Text;
AnsiString street = ProgramScreen->streetBox->Text;
AnsiString town = ProgramScreen->townBox->Text;
AnsiString county = ProgramScreen->countyBox->Text;
AnsiString postcode = ProgramScreen->postcodeBox->Text;
AnsiString phoneNumber = ProgramScreen->pnumberBox->Text;

FriendEntry* newFriend = new FriendEntry( firstName, surName, street, town, county, postcode, phoneNumber );
fnameBox->Clear(), snameBox->Clear(), streetBox->Clear(), townBox->Clear(), countyBox->Clear(), postcodeBox->Clear(), pnumberBox->Clear();


void __fastcall TProgramScreen::menuCBoxChange(TObject *Sender)
if(ProgramScreen->menuCBox->Text == "Friend Details")
ProgramScreen->workGroupBox1 = false;
ProgramScreen->friendGroupBox = true;
ProgramScreen->workGroupBox1 = true;
ProgramScreen->friendGroupBox = false;

[C++ Error] AddressBook.cpp(46): E2034 Cannot convert 'bool' to 'TGroupBox *'
[C++ Error] AddressBook.cpp(47): E2034 Cannot convert 'bool' to 'TGroupBox *'
[C++ Error] AddressBook.cpp(51): E2034 Cannot convert 'bool' to 'TGroupBox *'
[C++ Error] AddressBook.cpp(52): E2034