After reading feedback.. I've decided to fix spelling of intends.

#include <iostream>
#include <string>

using namespace std;

int main ()

    string name; // x
    string name_2; // y
    int x;
    int y;
    cout << "Hello User.. This program intends to ask for the age and name of 2 people.\n";
    cout << "Please enter the first name:\n";
    getline(cin, name, '\n');
    cout << "Good.. now enter the age of " << name << ":\n";
    cin >> x;
    cout << "Next I need you to enter the name of person number 2:\n";
    getline(cin, name_2, '\n');
    cout << "Alright.. now finally please enter the age of " << name_2 << ":\n";
    cin >> y;
    if (x > y)
        cout << name << " is older than " << name_2 << "\n";
    else if (y > x)
        cout << name_2 << " is older than " << name << "\n";
    else if (x == y)
        cout << "You're both the same age!!\n";
    if (( x > 100 && y > 100) && x == y)
        cout << "And You're both crazy old!!\n";
    else if ( x > 100 && y > 100)
        cout << "You're both crazy old!!!\n";
