Really glad your guys are here. I sent this issue to my professor and he told me to worry about completing the graded assignments. However if I don't fully understand something, why move on?

Ok first of all when ever run the program it always returns the addContact() then stops. I want to it keep running so I would assume I need a while statement, which I tried in main() but it didn't work. Furthermore I do not understand why my if and ifelse statements are failing!

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <string>

using namespace std;

void userPrompt();
char getPrompt(char);
void accessPrompt();
void addContact();
void deleteContact();
void CountContact();

vector<string> contacts;  

void userPrompt()
    char prompt;
    cout<<"Enter [a] to add a contact, [d] to delete a contact, [c] to count the contacts"<<endl;
    cin >> prompt;
char getPrompt(char prompt)
    return prompt;
void accessPrompt()
    char prompt = '\0';
    char user_request = getPrompt(prompt);
    if (user_request == 'a' || 'A') {
    else if (user_request == 'd'|| 'D')
    else if (user_request == 'c' || 'C')

void addContact()
    string contact;
    cout<<"Add the name of your contact below"<<endl;
    getline(cin, contact);
void deleteContact()
    int position;
    cout<<"Where is the contect located that you want to delete?"<<endl;
    contacts.erase(contacts.begin() + position); //contacts.begin=0 so position will find the contact

void CountContact()
    cout<<"You have"<<contacts.size()<<" contact(s)."<<endl;
    for (int i=0; i<contacts.size(); i++) {
        cout<<i<<"."<<<<endl; //just another way to way to write contacts[i]

int main(int argc, const char * argv[])
    return 0;