Thread: push_front method for class List

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  1. #1
    Registered User CASHOUT's Avatar
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    push_front method for class List

    Within methods.cpp I am working on the method for push_front for class List. The strings are being displayed backwards and all the string values from push_back disappear.

    I'm not sure if (tail) is pointing to the wrong value which is causing the rest of the output from push_back to disappear.

    It is supposed to look something like this:
    List::List( )

    la contains:
    00348970 hi next: 00348750
    00348750 mom next: 003487D8
    003487D8 please next: 00348860
    00348860 send next: 003488E8
    003488E8 money next: 00000000

    Instead it is displays "mom" first then "hi" and everything else disappears.

    #include    <iostream>
    #include    <iomanip>
    #include    <string>
    using namespace std;
    class Node
                                        // constructor
        Node( const string &, Node * );
        const string &get_word( ) const;// get a const reference to word
        Node   *get_next( ) const;      // get a Node * (value of next)
        Node   *set_next( Node * );     // set next to a new value
        string   word;
        Node    *next;
    class List
        List( );                        // constructor
        List( const List & );           // copy constructor
        ~List( );                       // destructor
                                        // push a node to the back of list
        void push_back( const string & );
                                        // push a node to the front of list
        void push_front( const string & );
        void pop_front( );              // pop first element of list
                                        // output a list object
        friend ostream &operator <<( ostream &, const List & );
        Node    *head;
        Node    *tail;

    #include    "List.h"
    int main( )
        List la;                    // create list la
        la.push_front( "mom" );
        la.push_back( "please" );
        la.push_back( "send" );
        la.push_back( "money" );
        la.push_front( "hi" );
        cout << "\nla contains:\n" << la << '\n';
        List lb( la );              // copy list la to lb
        cout << "lb contains:\n" << lb << '\n';
        lb.pop_front( );
        lb.pop_front( );
        lb.push_front( "mother" );
        lb.push_front( "dear" );
        lb.push_back( "Bubba" );
        cout << "lb contains:\n" << lb << '\n';
        return 0;

    #include    "List.h"
    /*******************************methods for Node*******************************/
    							// constructor: init. a Node
    Node::Node( const string &s, Node * p )
        word = s;               // init. word with a copy of s
        next = p;               // next points to p
                                // return a const ref to word
    const string &Node::get_word( ) const
        return word;
                                // return a pointer to next node
    Node *Node::get_next( ) const
        return next;
                                // sets next to pointer p and return next
    Node *Node::set_next( Node * p )
        next = p;               // next now points to p
        return next;
    /*******************************methods for List*******************************/
    List::List( )               // constructor: init. head and tail
        cout << "List::List( )\n";
        head = tail = 0;
    List::List( const List & )
    List::~List( )              // destructor: deallocate the list
        cout << "List::~List( )\n";
        for( Node *p = head; p; )
            Node *tmp = p;      // remember current pointer
            p = p->get_next( ); // advance p to the next Node
            delete tmp;         // deallocate tmp
            cout << "deallocated\t" << tmp << "\tnext is\t" << p << '\n';
    void List::push_back( const string &s )
                                // p points to a new node
        Node *p = new Node( s, 0 );
        if( tail == 0 )         // tail not pointing to a node yet?
            head = tail = p;    // head & tail point to new node in the list
        {                       // tail->next points to new node
            tail->set_next( p );
            tail = p;           // tail points to last node in the list
    void List::push_front( const string &s )
    	  Node *p = new Node( s, 0 );
        if( tail == 0 )         
            head = tail = p;   
            head->set_next( p );
            tail = p;           
    void List::pop_front( )
    ostream &operator <<( ostream &out, const List &list )
        for( Node *p = list.head; p != 0; p = p->get_next( ) )
            cout << p << '\t' << setw( 8 ) << p->get_word( )
                 << '\t' << "next:" << '\t' << p->get_next( ) << '\n';
        return out;

  2. #2
    Registered User
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    The new node will replace the head, which means the current head should become p's next pointer. Further, if tail has been set then nothing needs to be done with it since only the head of the list is changing:
    void List::push_front( const string &s )
        head = new Node( s, head );
        if( tail == 0 )         
            // Set tail if it hasn't been set yet
            tail = head;   

  3. #3
    Registered User CASHOUT's Avatar
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    Jul 2011
    My attempts at creating a copy constructor in methods.cpp has gotten me; error: function will cause runtime stack overflow (line 47).

    #include    "List.h"
    /*******************************methods for Node*******************************/
    							// constructor: init. a Node
    Node::Node( const string &s, Node * p )
        word = s;               // init. word with a copy of s
        next = p;               // next points to p
                                // return a const ref to word
    const string &Node::get_word( ) const
        return word;
                                // return a pointer to next node
    Node *Node::get_next( ) const
        return next;
                                // sets next to pointer p and return next
    Node *Node::set_next( Node * p )
        next = p;               // next now points to p
        return next;
    /*******************************methods for List*******************************/
    List::List( )               // constructor: init. head and tail
        cout << "List::List( )\n";
        head = tail = 0;
    List::List( const List & la)
    	List lb = la;
    List::~List( )              // destructor: deallocate the list
        cout << "List::~List( )\n";
        for( Node *p = head; p; )
            Node *tmp = p;      // remember current pointer
            p = p->get_next( ); // advance p to the next Node
            delete tmp;         // deallocate tmp
            cout << "deallocated\t" << tmp << "\tnext is\t" << p << '\n';
    void List::push_back( const string &s )
                                // p points to a new node
        Node *p = new Node( s, 0 );
        if( tail == 0 )         // tail not pointing to a node yet?
            head = tail = p;    // head & tail point to new node in the list
        {                       // tail->next points to new node
            tail->set_next( p );
            tail = p;           // tail points to last node in the list
    void List::push_front( const string &s )
    	head = new Node( s, head );
    		if( tail == 0 )        
    			tail = head;    // Set tail
    void List::pop_front( )
    	/*head = head->get_next(  );*/
    ostream &operator <<( ostream &out, const List &list )
        for( Node *p = list.head; p != 0; p = p->get_next( ) )
            cout << p << '\t' << setw( 8 ) << p->get_word( )
                 << '\t' << "next:" << '\t' << p->get_next( ) << '\n';
        return out;
    I was under the assumption that you can just simply set one list to another.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Inside my computer
    List::List( const List & la)
        List lb = la;
    What does this do? This creates some temporary lb, copies la into lb, then destroys lb. What good does that do?

    The purpose of a copy constructor is to make *this == that, where that is the parameter to the copy constructor.
    The copy is meant to be invoked outside the class by

    List lb = la;

    where la is some List.
    So it is even worse--your copy constructor does no useful work and just calls itself over and over. You need to write code that makes *this == that, by copying over member variables, ie internal state, and possibly do housekeeping as necessary.
    Quote Originally Posted by Adak View Post
    io.h certainly IS included in some modern compilers. It is no longer part of the standard for C, but it is nevertheless, included in the very latest Pelles C versions.
    Quote Originally Posted by Salem View Post
    You mean it's included as a crutch to help ancient programmers limp along without them having to relearn too much.

    Outside of your DOS world, your header file is meaningless.

  5. #5
    Registered User CASHOUT's Avatar
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    Elysia, thank you very much for taking the time to help me understand the logic. I appreciate you.

    Quote Originally Posted by Elysia View Post
    List::List( const List & la)
        List lb = la;
    What does this do? This creates some temporary lb, copies la into lb, then destroys lb. What good does that do?

    The purpose of a copy constructor is to make *this == that, where that is the parameter to the copy constructor.
    The copy is meant to be invoked outside the class by

    List lb = la;

    where la is some List.
    So it is even worse--your copy constructor does no useful work and just calls itself over and over. You need to write code that makes *this == that, by copying over member variables, ie internal state, and possibly do housekeeping as necessary.

  6. #6
    Registered User CASHOUT's Avatar
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    The output seems to be favorable now, but after the destructor deallocates the list and prints the deallocation to the screen an error is recognized.

    Unhandled exception

    CXX0017: Error: symbol "la" not found

    CXX0017: Error: symbol "lb" not found

    I'm not to sure what this means or what I should be focusing my attention to.

  7. #7
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    Post thy updated code.
    Quote Originally Posted by Adak View Post
    io.h certainly IS included in some modern compilers. It is no longer part of the standard for C, but it is nevertheless, included in the very latest Pelles C versions.
    Quote Originally Posted by Salem View Post
    You mean it's included as a crutch to help ancient programmers limp along without them having to relearn too much.

    Outside of your DOS world, your header file is meaningless.

  8. #8
    Registered User CASHOUT's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Elysia View Post
    Post thy updated code.
    #include    "List.h"
    /*******************************methods for Node*******************************/
    							// constructor: init. a Node
    Node::Node( const string &s, Node * p )
        word = s;               // init. word with a copy of s
        next = p;               // next points to p
                                // return a const ref to word
    const string &Node::get_word( ) const
        return (*this).word;
                                // return a pointer to next node
    Node *Node::get_next( ) const
        return (*this).next;
                                // sets next to pointer p and return next
    Node *Node::set_next( Node * p )
        next = p;               // next now points to p
        return (*this).next;
    /*******************************methods for List*******************************/
    List::List( )               // constructor: init. head and tail
        cout << "List::List( )\n";
        head = tail = 0;
    List::List( const List & la)
    	 if( this != &la )
    		/* delete [  ] lb;*/
    			for( Node *p = la.head; p != 0; p = p->get_next( ) )
    				*this = la;
    List::~List( )              // destructor: deallocate the list
        cout << "List::~List( )\n";
        for( Node *p = head; p; )
            Node *tmp = p;      // remember current pointer
            p = p->get_next( ); // advance p to the next Node
            delete tmp;         // deallocate tmp
            cout << "deallocated\t" << tmp << "\tnext is\t" << p << '\n';
    void List::push_back( const string &s )
                                // p points to a new node
        Node *p = new Node( s, 0 );
        if( tail == 0 )         // tail not pointing to a node yet?
            head = tail = p;    // head & tail point to new node in the list
        {                       // tail->next points to new node
            tail->set_next( p );
            tail = p;           // tail points to last node in the list
    void List::push_front( const string &s )
    	head = new Node( s, head );
    		if( tail == 0 )        
    			tail = head;    // Set tail
    void List::pop_front( )
    	head = head->get_next(  );
    ostream &operator <<( ostream &out, const List &list )
        for( Node *p = list.head; p != 0; p = p->get_next( ) )
            cout << p << '\t' << setw( 8 ) << p->get_word( )
                 << '\t' << "next:" << '\t' << p->get_next( ) << '\n';
        return out;
    #include    <iostream>
    #include    <iomanip>
    #include    <string>
    using namespace std;
    class Node
                                        // constructor
        Node( const string &, Node * );
        const string &get_word( ) const;// get a const reference to word
        Node   *get_next( ) const;      // get a Node * (value of next)
        Node   *set_next( Node * );     // set next to a new value
        string   word;
        Node    *next;
    class List
        List( );                        // constructor
        List( const List & );           // copy constructor
        ~List( );                       // destructor
                                        // push a node to the back of list
        void push_back( const string & );
                                        // push a node to the front of list
        void push_front( const string & );
        void pop_front( );              // pop first element of list
                                        // output a list object
        friend ostream &operator <<( ostream &, const List & );
        Node    *head;
        Node    *tail;

  9. #9
    C++ Witch laserlight's Avatar
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    I observed:
    List::List( const List & la)
         if( this != &la )
            /* delete [  ] lb;*/
                for( Node *p = la.head; p != 0; p = p->get_next( ) )
                    *this = la;
    Since this is the copy constructor, you do not need to check for identity since the *this object is the one that is being created. You might check for identity in a copy assignment operator, which I notice that you did not implement.
    Quote Originally Posted by Bjarne Stroustrup (2000-10-14)
    I get maybe two dozen requests for help with some sort of programming or design problem every day. Most have more sense than to send me hundreds of lines of code. If they do, I ask them to find the smallest example that exhibits the problem and send me that. Mostly, they then find the error themselves. "Finding the smallest program that demonstrates the error" is a powerful debugging tool.
    Look up a C++ Reference and learn How To Ask Questions The Smart Way

  10. #10
    Registered User CASHOUT's Avatar
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    Great my compiler crashed again. I gotta reboot. Why does it keep happening?? gosh

  11. #11
    Algorithm Dissector iMalc's Avatar
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    You've thrown a loop in there but are again still trying to call the copy constructor with infinite recursion.
    You need to copy the data of every individual node, but not its next pointer as that obviously points to items that the list came from.
    A nice way to hamdle that would be to utilise the push_back method within the copy-constructor.
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  12. #12
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    Inside my computer
    >>*this = la;
    This essentially calls the copy assignment operator. And so, for every node in your list, you call the copy assignment operator on the whole list passed to the copy constructor. Seems pretty excessive.
    Then question is: what does the copy assignment operator do? Well, you don't have one, so the compiler would provide one for you that does shallow copying of the list (copying over the pointers). That would seem to work until you made a change in one list, which causes the changes to carry over to the copy of the list. Not so good idea.

    Here's the thing. You need to stop thinking in terms of lists. This is inside the list. You must define how a list is copied. For example, if you have a car and want to make a copy of it, you would do

    Car a = b;

    (assuming b is a Car.)
    This will call Car::Car(const Car& that). In that function, you must copy over all the state in that into *this such that after the copy constructor is run, a == b should yield true.
    You can't do *this = that, because again, that would copy the car. But the compiler doesn't know how to copy a car, so it calls Car::Car(const Car&), which is what you are trying to define!
    In short, you must copy over member variables and sometimes, you may have to do additional work manipulating these member variables such that it causes both objects to be equal (but don't worry about that later bit just yet; experience will let you know what I mean).

    Here's an example of a Number class:

    Number::Number(const Number& that)
    	a = that.a;
    	b = that.b;
    Quote Originally Posted by Adak View Post
    io.h certainly IS included in some modern compilers. It is no longer part of the standard for C, but it is nevertheless, included in the very latest Pelles C versions.
    Quote Originally Posted by Salem View Post
    You mean it's included as a crutch to help ancient programmers limp along without them having to relearn too much.

    Outside of your DOS world, your header file is meaningless.

  13. #13
    Registered User CASHOUT's Avatar
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    The program no longer gives an error after deallocation, but the output is still unfavorable.
    Rewriting the copy constructor and pop_front produced very little positive results, even though it helped remove a bug.

    #include    "List.h"
    /*******************************methods for Node*******************************/
    							// constructor: init. a Node
    Node::Node( const string &s, Node * p )
        word = s;               // init. word with a copy of s
        next = p;               // next points to p
                                // return a const ref to word
    const string &Node::get_word( ) const
        return (*this).word;
                                // return a pointer to next node
    Node *Node::get_next( ) const
        return (*this).next;
                                // sets next to pointer p and return next
    Node *Node::set_next( Node * p )
        next = p;               // next now points to p
        return (*this).next;
    /*******************************methods for List*******************************/
    List::List( )               // constructor: init. head and tail
        cout << "List::List( )\n";
        head = tail = 0;
    List::List( const List & la)
    			for( Node *p = la.head; p != 0; p = p->get_next( ) )  // p->set-next( 0 ) ?
    				 tail = head = 0;
    				push_back( p->get_word(  ) );
    				/**this = la;*/		
    List::~List( )              // destructor: deallocate the list
        cout << "List::~List( )\n";
        for( Node *p = head; p; )
            Node *tmp = p;      // remember current pointer
            p = p->get_next( ); // advance p to the next Node
            delete tmp;         // deallocate tmp
            cout << "deallocated\t" << tmp << "\tnext is\t" << p << '\n';
    void List::push_back( const string &s )
                                // p points to a new node
        Node *p = new Node( s, 0 );
        if( tail == 0 )         // tail not pointing to a node yet?
            head = tail = p;    // head & tail point to new node in the list
        {                       // tail->next points to new node
            tail->set_next( p );
            tail = p;           // tail points to last node in the list
    void List::push_front( const string &s )
    	head = new Node( s, head );
    		if( tail == 0 )        
    			tail = head;    // Set tail
    void List::pop_front( )
    	//head = head->get_next(  );
    	if( head )              
            Node *tmp = head;
            head      = head->get_next( );
            delete tmp;         // delete node to be removed
            if( head == 0 )     
                tail = 0;
                head->set_next( 0 );
    ostream &operator <<( ostream &out, const List &list )
        for( Node *p = list.head; p != 0; p = p->get_next( ) )
            cout << p << '\t' << setw( 8 ) << p->get_word( )
                 << '\t' << "next:" << '\t' << p->get_next( ) << '\n';
        return out;

  14. #14
    Registered User CASHOUT's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Elysia View Post
    >>*this = la;
    This essentially calls the copy assignment operator. And so, for every node in your list, you call the copy assignment operator on the whole list passed to the copy constructor. Seems pretty excessive.
    Then question is: what does the copy assignment operator do? Well, you don't have one, so the compiler would provide one for you that does shallow copying of the list (copying over the pointers). That would seem to work until you made a change in one list, which causes the changes to carry over to the copy of the list. Not so good idea.

    Here's the thing. You need to stop thinking in terms of lists. This is inside the list. You must define how a list is copied. For example, if you have a car and want to make a copy of it, you would do

    Car a = b;

    (assuming b is a Car.)
    This will call Car::Car(const Car& that). In that function, you must copy over all the state in that into *this such that after the copy constructor is run, a == b should yield true.
    You can't do *this = that, because again, that would copy the car. But the compiler doesn't know how to copy a car, so it calls Car::Car(const Car&), which is what you are trying to define!
    In short, you must copy over member variables and sometimes, you may have to do additional work manipulating these member variables such that it causes both objects to be equal (but don't worry about that later bit just yet; experience will let you know what I mean).

    Here's an example of a Number class:

    Number::Number(const Number& that)
    	a = that.a;
    	b = that.b;

    I see what you mean about coping over the member variables.

    I'm still getting an unhandled exception.

    Why is money being copied over twice??

    #include    "List.h"
    /*******************************methods for Node*******************************/
    							// constructor: init. a Node
    Node::Node( const string &s, Node * p )
        word = s;               // init. word with a copy of s
        next = p;               // next points to p
                                // return a const ref to word
    const string &Node::get_word( ) const
        return (*this).word;
                                // return a pointer to next node
    Node *Node::get_next( ) const
        return (*this).next;
                                // sets next to pointer p and return next
    Node *Node::set_next( Node * p )
        next = p;               // next now points to p
        return (*this).next;
    /*******************************methods for List*******************************/
    List::List( )               // constructor: init. head and tail
        cout << "List::List( )\n";
        head = tail = 0;
    List::List( const List & la)
    			for( Node *p = la.head; p != 0; p = p->get_next( ) ) 
    				 tail = la.tail;
    				 head = la.head;
    				push_back( p->get_word(  ) );
    List::~List( )              // destructor: deallocate the list
        cout << "List::~List( )\n";
        for( Node *p = head; p; )
            Node *tmp = p;      // remember current pointer
            p = p->get_next( ); // advance p to the next Node
            delete tmp;         // deallocate tmp
            cout << "deallocated\t" << tmp << "\tnext is\t" << p << '\n';
    void List::push_back( const string &s )
                                // p points to a new node
        Node *p = new Node( s, 0 );
        if( tail == 0 )         // tail not pointing to a node yet?
            head = tail = p;    // head & tail point to new node in the list
        {                       // tail->next points to new node
            tail->set_next( p );
            tail = p;           // tail points to last node in the list
    void List::push_front( const string &s )
    	head = new Node( s, head );
    		if( tail == 0 )        
    			tail = head;    // Set tail
    void List::pop_front( )
    	head = head->get_next(  );
    ostream &operator <<( ostream &out, const List &list )
        for( Node *p = list.head; p != 0; p = p->get_next( ) )
            cout << p << '\t' << setw( 8 ) << p->get_word( )
                 << '\t' << "next:" << '\t' << p->get_next( ) << '\n';
        return out;

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    Inside my computer
    The copy constructor is still wrong. You need to go back to basics and think about what you have to do to copy a list.
    Remember that the copy must be independent of the original list. Whatever changes you make to the copy will not reflect in the original!
    Quote Originally Posted by Adak View Post
    io.h certainly IS included in some modern compilers. It is no longer part of the standard for C, but it is nevertheless, included in the very latest Pelles C versions.
    Quote Originally Posted by Salem View Post
    You mean it's included as a crutch to help ancient programmers limp along without them having to relearn too much.

    Outside of your DOS world, your header file is meaningless.

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