Thread: Outputting Associated Data in Struct

  1. #1
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Feb 2013

    Outputting Associated Data in Struct

    So this is the last part of a program I've been working on for four weeks now. This question may be a tough one considering the amount of files included in the program.

    The program is to read in a file of requests between two cities, read in a file of flights and cities that occur between the cities. It then checks to see if there is a path between the flights and output an itinerary. I have the correct itinerary outputting, but when attempting to output the associated flight number and price according to the city, I am getting odd data. How can I output the correct flight number and price associated with each flight on the itinerary.

    I'll post out the output I am currently getting and the section where I am outputting the data. I'm sure I'll need to post more files so the program can be understood.

    Don't want the code done for me, just a point in the right direction! I don't want to let this program defeat me!

    Request is to fly from Atlanta to San-Diego.The flight itinerary is:
    Flight #  From              To                  Cost    
    10        Atlanta           Chicago             $134529069
    10        Chicago           Miami               $134529069
    10        Miami             Dallas              $134529069
    10        Dallas            San-Francisco       $134529069
    10        San-Francisco     San-Diego           $134529069

    This function finds a path between cities.
    bool flightMap::IsPath(string originCity, string destinationCity){
        StackClass aStack, bStack;
        flightStruct flightRec;
        string topCity, nextCity;
        bool success;
        int index = 0;
        aStack.Push(originCity, success);
        aStack.GetStackTop(topCity, success);
        while(!aStack.IsEmpty() && topCity != destinationCity)
            success = GetNextCity(topCity);
                aStack.Push(topCity, success);
            aStack.GetStackTop(topCity, success);
        //Returns false if an itinerary is not found
            cout << "Sorry, EastWest airline does not fly from " << originCity << " to " << destinationCity;
            return false;
            aStack.Pop(topCity, success);
            bStack.Push(topCity, success);
        bStack.Pop(destinationCity, success);
            bStack.Pop(destinationCity, success);
            flights[index].Retrieve(flightRec, success);
            cout << left
                 << setw(10) << flightRec.flightNum
                 << setw(18) << originCity
                 << setw(20) << destinationCity
                             << '$' << flightRec.price << endl;
            originCity = destinationCity;
        return !(aStack.IsEmpty());
    This functions finds the next city, checks if it is visited, and if it is not, uses it for the itinerary.
    bool flightMap::GetNextCity(string& nextCity)                                //Pass back the first adjacent city that has not been visited. If it has not been visited, return true. Otherwise, return false.{    
        flightStruct flightRec;
        bool success = false;
        int index = 0;
        int destIndex = 0;
        int i = 1;
        index = LinearSearch(cities, nextCity, size);
        while(i <= flights[index].length())
                return false;
            flights[index].RetrieveByPosition(i, flightRec, success);
            destIndex = LinearSearch(cities, flightRec.destination, size);
                nextCity = flightRec.destination;
                return true;
        return false;
    The file with the flights and associated price and numbers.
    3746  Los-Angeles  Seattle  230
    772  San-Francisco Los-Angeles 89
    8322  San-Francisco San-Diego  120
    829   Dallas       San-Francisco 250
    103   Dallas       Miami        350
    1114  Dallas       Chicago      320
    380   Chicago      Albuquerque  400
    290   Las-Vegas    Nashville    59
    920   Nashville    Las-Vegas    59
    1172  Atlanta      Memphis      47
    891   Memphis      Dallas       140
    3940  Chicago      Orlando      430
    2843  Chicago      Miami        500
    339   Nashville    Atlanta      83
    920   Atlanta      Orlando      270
    722   Orlando      Miami        80
    233   Washington-DC Orlando     195
    429   Tampa   Nashville   78
    428   Nashville     Tampa  79
    3345  Washington-DC Boston      440
    112   Boston        New-York-City 140
    211   New-York-City Boston       140
    983   Nashville     New-York-City 260
    888   New-York-City Atlanta      430
    345   Boston        Chicago      390
    290   Chicago       Atlanta      175
    1203  Nashville     Denver    560
    1204  Denver         Nashville 590
    529   New-York-City Denver    785
    89    Nashville     Miami     490
    8291  San-Francisco Dallas  250
    1031  Miami         Dallas  350
    842   Orlando       Chicago  430
    339   Phoenix        San-Francisco 384
    480   Orlando       Atlanta    270
    563   Boston        Washington-DC 440
    2901  Atlanta          Chicago    175
    665   Nashville     Tampa    320
    837   Phoenix       San-Jose  283
    8371  San-Jose      Phoenix   283
    883   Philadelphia  Nashville    410
    8831  Nashville     Philadelphia 410
    877   Los-Angeles   Dallas    240

  2. #2
    and the hat of int overfl Salem's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    The edge of the known universe
    > flights[index].Retrieve(flightRec, success);
    Show all the relevant code for this
    - the structures used
    - how you read data from the file
    - how you store things in your data structures.
    If you dance barefoot on the broken glass of undefined behaviour, you've got to expect the occasional cut.
    If at first you don't succeed, try writing your phone number on the exam paper.

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