1. Operator overloading is called:
i. Runtime polymorphism
ii. Compile time polymorphism
iii. Complex overloading
iv. Abstract overloading
2. A process of a class can contain object of another class is called:
i. Nesting
ii. Friend
iii. Data abstraction
iv. Encapsulation
3. Which of the following way are legal to access a class data member using this pointer ?
i. this.x
ii. *this.x
iii. *(this.x)
iv. (*this).x
4. The tream is a:
. Flow of data
ii. Flow of integer
iii. Flow of statements
iv. None of the above
5. The cout() function counts the :
i. Extracted character
ii. Inserted character
iii. Both (i) and (ii)
iv. None of the above
6. The size of void pointer is:
i. O byte
ii. 2 byte
iii. 4 byte
iv. 8 byte
7. In c++. It is possible to pass values to function by :
i. Call by value
ii. Call by address
iii. Call by reference
iv. All of the above
8. A and B are two string objects. A=”abc” and B=”xyz”. A=A+B will produce.
i. “abcxyz”
ii. “abc”
iii. “xyzabc”
iv. None of the above
9. An iterator is similar to :
i. Pointer
ii. Array
iii. Class
iv. None of the above
10. If a subclass contains a method with the same name and arguments as in the base class, it is:
i. Overloading
ii. Polymorphism
iii. Overriding
iv. Error
11. Size of void pointer is:
i. 0 byte
ii. 2 byte
iii. 4 byte
iv. 8 byte
12. In c++, arguments can be passed in function by:
i. Values
ii. Reference
iii. Address
iv. All of the above1.