hi, i just made an account to ask this question. i need help FAST. this is due at midnight

testbankaccount.cpp(38) : error C2228: left of '.getBalance' must have class/struct/union

// #pragma once#include <iostream>
using namespace std;


class BankAccount
      double balance; // holds the current account balance
	  double interestRate; // holds the interest rate for the current period
	  double interest; // holds the interest earned for the current period
	  int numTransactions; // holds the current number of transactions
      void setInterestRate(double);
	  void makeDeposit(double); 
	  bool makeWithdraw(double); 
	  void computeInterest();
	  double getInterestRate();
	  double getBalance();
	  double getInterest();
	  int getNumTransactions();
#include <iostream>#include "BankAccount.h"
using namespace std;


   balance = 0;
   interestRate = 0.056;
   interest = 0;
   numTransactions = 0;
void BankAccount::setInterestRate(double interestRate)
	this->interestRate = interestRate;
void BankAccount::makeDeposit(double deposit)
   balance += deposit;
bool BankAccount::makeWithdraw(double withdraw)
   if (balance < withdraw)
      return false;
         balance -= withdraw;
         return true;
void BankAccount::computeInterest()
   interest = interestRate(balance);
   balance += interest;
double BankAccount::getInterestRate()
   return interestRate;
double BankAccount::getBalance()
   return balance;
double BankAccount::getInterest()
   return interest;
int BankAccount::getNumTransactions()
   return numTransactions;

int main()
return 0;
#include <iostream>#include "BankAccount.h"
using namespace std;

void heading();
void displayMenu();  
void makeDeposit(BankAccount &depositAmount);  
void makeWithdraw(BankAccount &withdrawAmount);

int main()
   cout << endl;

   BankAccount savings;

   int userChoice;
   cin >> userChoice;        
   for (userChoice; userChoice > 6;)
	     cout << endl;
		 cout << "There is no option " << userChoice << ". Please choose a task that is listed." << endl;
		 cout << endl;
         cin >> userChoice;
    if (userChoice == 6)
	   cout << endl;
       cout << "Thank you. Please wait." << endl;
	   cout << endl;
	   cout << "Thank you for being a loyal customer!" << endl;
	   cout << endl;
   /*if (userChoice == 1)
   if (userChoice == 2)
   if (userChoice == 3)
   if (userChoice == 4)
   if (userChoice == 5)
void heading()
    cout << "/********************************************************************************************" << endl;
 	cout << "*         Course Name: CMPS 191 – Modular Programming and Algorithms Development II" << endl;
	cout << "*                                           Project 2" << endl;
	cout << "* Section: 01" << endl;
	cout << "* Semester: Spring 2013" << endl;
	cout << "*" << endl;
	cout << "* Project Members:" << endl;  
	cout << "*        Leader: William R. Veal III" << endl;
	cout << "*" << endl;  
    cout << "*" << endl;
 	cout << "* Instructor: Dr. Mathieu Kourouma" << endl;
	cout << "*" << endl;
 	cout << "* Description:" << endl;
    cout << "*	Provide here a brief description of the purpose of the project" << endl;
	cout << "*" << endl;
	cout << "* Due Date: Wednesday, March 26, 2013 by 11:59 PM on Blackboard" << endl;
	cout << "*" << endl;
 	cout << "* Certificate of Authentication:" << endl;
	cout << "*" << endl;
	cout << "* We, the listed group members:" << endl;
	cout << "*	 Claim that this project’s work fully our own work." << endl;
	cout << "*	 We wrote this program independently." << endl; 
   	cout << "*	 We did not copy any part of the code from other group members." << endl;
   	cout << "*	 We did not share at all our codes with other group members." << endl;
	cout << "* 	 We are only allowed to seek help from the instructor of this course and group members" << endl;
   	cout << "*" << endl; 
   	cout << "* Signature: WRVIII" << endl;
	cout << "*" << endl;
 	cout << "**********************************************************************************************/" << endl;
void displayMenu()
   cout << "----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" << endl;
   cout << "					                   Welcome to SUBR's Credit Union Banking System" << endl;
   cout << "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" << endl;
   cout << "" << endl;
   cout << "Please select from the following menu:" << endl;
   cout << " " << endl;
   cout << "1.	Make a deposit" << endl;
   cout << "2.	Make a withdraw" << endl;
   cout << "3.	Display account balance" << endl;
   cout << "4.	Display the number of transactions" << endl;
   cout << "5.	Display interest earned " << endl;
   cout << "6.	Exit the banking system" << endl;
   cout << " " << endl;
   cout << "Make your selection: ";
void makeDeposit(BankAccount &depositAmount)
  double deposit;

  cout << "Enter the amount you wish to deposit: ";
  cin >> deposit;
  cout << endl;
  cout << "Your deposit is " << deposit << endl;
void makeWithdraw(BankAccount &withdrawAmount)
   double withdraw;
   cout << "Enter the amount you wish to withdraw: ";
   cin >> withdraw;
   if (!withdrawAmount.makeWithdraw(withdraw))
      cout << "The amount you want to withraw is larger than the balance." << endl;