Thread: Overall function

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    Registered User
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    Mar 2013
    Portugal, Porto.

    Overall function

    Hello everyone. I'm having troubles implementing a certain function so I hope you can help me out. Will try to be simple and quick.

    Ok, so not that long ago I posted a couple of doubts regarding a "Slidding Puzzle" code. I am now trying to make the code shorter by not having to test every possibility, considering I'm willing to implement a 3x3, 4x4 and 5x5 board.

    This is what I got so far:

    #include <iostream>
    #include <algorithm>
    //Checks end game conditions (Working)
    bool Verif(int array[], int ArraySize)
        int counter = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < (ArraySize - 1); i++)
            if (array[i] == (i + 1) && array[ArraySize - 1] == 0)
                counter = counter + 1;
                counter = counter;
        if (counter == (ArraySize - 1))
            return true;
            std::cout<<"You win!";
    //Validates a move (Not working)
    bool ValidatesMove(int Move, int array[], int ArraySize)
        int n;
        switch (ArraySize)
        case 9:
            if (Move = array[n])
                if (array[n - 1] == 0)
                    std::swap(array[n], array[n - 1]);
                    return true;
                else if (array[n - 3] == 0)
                    std::swap(array[n], array[n - 3]);
                    return true;
                else if (array[n + 1] == 0)
                    std::swap(array[n], array[n + 1]);
                    return true;
                else if (array[n + 3] == 0)
                    std::swap(array[n], array[n + 3]);
                    return true;
                    return false;
    int main()
        while (true)
            int GameBoard[9];
            GameBoard[0] = 1; GameBoard[1] = 2; GameBoard[2] = 3; GameBoard[3] = 4; GameBoard[4] = 5; GameBoard[5] = 0; GameBoard[6] = 7; GameBoard[7] = 8; GameBoard[8] = 6;
            std::cout<<std::endl <<std::endl <<std::endl;
            std::cout<<"  " <<GameBoard[0] <<"  |  " <<GameBoard[1] <<"  |  " <<GameBoard[2] <<std::endl;
            std::cout<<"-----+-----+-----" <<std::endl;
            std::cout<<"  " <<GameBoard[3] <<"  |  " <<GameBoard[4] <<"  |  " <<GameBoard[5] <<std::endl;
            std::cout<<"-----+-----+-----" <<std::endl;
            std::cout<<"  " <<GameBoard[6] <<"  |  " <<GameBoard[7] <<"  |  " <<GameBoard[8] <<std::endl <<std::endl;
            int Play;
            std::cin >> Play;
            //If the piece selected is next to "0" then it should swap with it. If not, then the move is invalid.
            ValidatesMove(Play, GameBoard, 9);
            //Checks for end game conditions
            if (Verif(GameBoard, 9) == true)

    A move is supposed to be valid when the piece selected is next to a zero:

    1 2 3
    4 5 0
    7 8 6


    1 2 3
    4 5 6
    7 8 0

    You win!

    ^That's what it is supposed to work but the pieces won't swap.
    Last edited by Khabz; 03-27-2013 at 06:09 PM.

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