So I'm trying to find angles A,B,C using law of cosines and I want the answers to be in degrees and the formula to convert the answer to degrees is angle*PI/180. However the answer does not convert to degrees what am I doing wrong?

#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <cmath>

#define PI 3.14

using namespace std;

int main()
    double A,B,C,a,b,c,b1,b2,h,R,L,T,x;

    //This is for angle a
    a = 10.0;
    b = 7.0;
    c = 5.0;

    A = (b*b+c*c-a*a)/(2.0*b*c);
    A = acos(A)*PI/180.0;

    cout <<"\n\n\t\tThe value of angle A      ="<<A;

    //This is for angle b
    a = 11.6;
    b = 15.2;
    c = 7.4;

    B = (a*a+c*c-b*b)/(2.0*a*c);
    B = acos(B)*PI/180.0;

    cout<<"\n\n\t\tThe value of angle B      ="<<B;

    //This is for angle c
    a = 2.0;
    b = 3.0;
    c = 4.0;

    C = (a*a+b*b-c*c)/(2.0*a*b);
    C = acos(C)*PI/180.0;

    cout<<"\n\n\t\tThe value of angle C      ="<<C;


    return 0;
