If you are learning C: The C Programming Language (2nd edition) by Brian Kernighan and Dennis Ritchie is a good book, but it is dated. It was dated when I read it. Do not treat it as your last book is my advice. https://cboard.cprogramming.com/showthread.php?t=74079

If you are learning C++: No.

If you are learning C and C++: A C book, of course, doesn't teach C++. If you are learning object oriented programming for the first time, if you are learning your first language, then I would not recommend learning C and C++ in tandem. This is largely because you are also learning how to program, and C and C++ code have different paradigms for software development. You would be learning object oriented stuff in C++ but you wouldn't be able to apply that in C. These kinds of headaches are avoidable. If you have a language under your belt, you can do whatever you want and I don't really care.