Quote Originally Posted by Lesshardtofind View Post
Making things easier usually lowers the learning curve, that is the part that worries me.
Well, that's the idea of course. To lower the learning curve.
Why force everyone to learn everything in the traditional and conventional way? I mean, let's face it, there are a lot of non-geeks out there that would love to create their own website, but are held back because of the complexity of doing it, and maybe because they have never coded before. I think for such people, my program would allow them to reconsider hiring (to them...) some "geek" to do it, and might interest them to the point in actually trying to do it themselves. Not to mention, even for those who do have considerable experience in writing Html, Javascript, etc. and designing websites, my program would help them do it quicker than doing it by hand, which could help those knowledgable in that area, already, to present an end-product to their customer in less time, thus resulting in more customer satisfaction. That sort of thing...

Of course, the thought has occurred to me that someone else has probably already had the same idea and created such a program before...forcing me to try to make mine better than any choices already out there.

When it comes to helping younger people and those with near to none experience with a passion for design and learning I think that is a noble cause.
Yes, that's sort of the audience or user-base I had in mind, originally, when I first had the idea. Especially, since I am still relatively young myself (21)...and so I'm kinda in that category already.

My concern probably has no reflection of the average opinion in the web designer market.
Given that I don't even know the average opinion in the web designer market myself, I can't say with any certainty how that will affect things, once I decide to release my program. However, I am hoping that the general consensus will be to support my idea.

That is unfortunate I was hoping I might be able to help contribute to the project for the sake of learning, but even though I have spent a decent amount of time on web design and some script languages I have not yet messed around with QT.
Well, perhaps you could still help out in some way. Note that only
the GUI will be in Qt. I'm writing the core in standard STL-style code.