So iv been Coding in C++ for a while, but I only recently started in SDL. After reveiwing my code for hours, and even comparing it with the code available for download, I only found differences were I changed the names of files and chose not to make new files for each progress, and just continued working were the last tut left off. Iv been using Lazyfoo's (Lazy Foo' Productions) Amazingly nice tuts, im on lesson #7 (Lazy Foo' Productions) and this is where I started having the problem.

The problem is: My window closes instantly after opening without showing any images.

I get no errors what so ever, and suspected the png/bmp files to be corrupt so I made new ones and still no progress. I also thought that it might have been in the quit loop where it got caught and closed, however I looked over and even copied his and it didn't fix it. Iv got no clue what else it could be so I turned to here. (on an off topic, im currently in a huge blizzard, so if i try a suggestion that works, or I dont reply, im just trying to do stuff as quickly as possible) Im not sure(or I am just stupid) how to post my code as a text file or whatever, so im uploading it to google docs( ) - view only. im putting the link to the editable one here ( )
If you know for a fact something will fix it just edit there and let me know!

Thanks for all help, I tried to be as descriptive as possible!