I am relatively new to C++ and have an assignment due. We have to print out a parallelogram using helper functions. We are supposed to use the right_angle_function twice and a rectangle function to create the different pieces of the shape.

I got the most of it to print out and work except for the second right angle triangle. I can't get the loop to print out decreasing amounts of #'s and increasing amounts of spaces...

Here's my code so far, the bolded area is the tricky part for me:

# include <iostream>
using namespace std;

void right_angle_triangle (int h, int w, int d)
    //Define the new height of the triangle based on the height of the whole paraellelogram
    int trih= w-1;
    //Create a loop that will form a right angle triangle for the top part of the paraellelogram
    if (d==1)
        for (int i=0; i<=trih; i++)
            for (int j=0; j<=i; j++)
                cout<<"# ";
        //Create a loop that will form a right angle triangle for the bottom part of the paraellelogram
    if (d==3)
        for (int i=trih; i>=1; --i)
            cout<<"  ";
            for(int j=i; j<=i; ++j)
                cout<<"# "<<endl;

void rectangle(int h, int w)
    //Define the new variable for the rectangle height
        int recth= h-2*w+1;
         //Create the loop that will rectangle that will form the middle part of the parallelogram
        for(int i=0; i<recth; i++)
            for(int j=0; j<w; j++)
                cout << "# ";
            cout << endl;

int main()
    //Define varibles
    int h, w, d;

    //Tell the user to input the height and width of the triangle
    cout<< "Please insert the height and width of the parallelogram you wish to create: ";
    //Send the inputted height and width and different directions of the triangles to helper functions to print out the separate pieces of the paraellelogram
    right_angle_triangle (h, w, d=1);
    rectangle (h, w);
    right_angle_triangle (h, w, d=3);
Here's what it prints out for h= 11 w= 4:
# #
# # #
# # # #
# # # #
# # # #
# # # #
# # # #

​Thank you!!