Need help getting word count to work in my program here is my code so far but need a count for each line and how many words total at the end.
Thank you in advance.
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
#include <iostream> //for the input output stream
#include <fstream> //for file stream
#include <cstring> //for strtok

using namespace std; //all objects are under namesapce std

int main(){
int wordCount = 0; //to store word count
char fileName [81]; //to store file name
cout << "\nInput File Name : ";
cin.getline(fileName,150); //to get the file name from user

ifstream file(fileName);//open the file for input

while(!file.eof()){ //continue to end of file
 char line [150]; //to store a line
 char* word; //to store a word

 file.getline(line,150); //get a line from file
 word = strtok(line," "); //get a pointer to string till space
 while(word){ //till getting a null
  word = strtok(NULL," "); //keep getting string
  cout << word << endl; //print the word
  wordCount++; //increment wordCount


cout << "\nTotal words in file" << fileName << " are " << wordCount;
printf("Press ENTER a few times to terminate the program");
getchar(); getchar(); getchar(); getchar();
getchar(); getchar(); getchar(); getchar();
return 0;