I take it that this is some code you "found on the net" somewhere. If it is, then telling us where you got it would allow those of us curious enough to go and find a hell of a lot more context for your question. Because 5 lines with one meaningless comment just doesn't cut it.

For example, if it came from a project on one of the source repositories like sourceforge, then you should be able to find out which author put that line of code in there, then go and ask them directly what the idea is.
Likewise, if there is any kind of forum for that project, then that forum would be a really good place to ask.

An alternative theory is the original author doesn't know what they're doing at all, and that line of code can easily be attributed to
Cargo cult programming - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

These two sentences are near anagrams, and sum up the situation nicely
"There is an awful lot of code on the net"
"There is a lot of awful code on the net"