I have a function that compresses string and one function reading textfiles to strings. There's some issue that I can't nail. The idea is to read a textfile line by line and put each line into a string vector. When I dump the vector each line seems to be propper but when I try to use the vector in an function I get segmentation fault. Adding to my confusion - if I hard code the strings insterad of using file2string str2comp works.

The two functions are as follows.
string str2comp(std::string str, int offset = 0){

........string compstr;
........string::iterator it;
........int index = offset;

..for ( it = str.begin() ; it < str.end(); ++it){
................if (index%4 == 0){
.. ..................compstr += (char)map.find(str.substr(index,4))->second;
.... ........}
.... }

........return compstr;

string file2String(const string &fileName){
....ifstream ifs(fileName.c_str(), ios::in | ios::binary | ios::ate);
.... ..{
.... .. ..cerr << "Error : file2String() could not open file: " << fileName << endl;
.... .. ..exit(1);
.... ..} else {
.... ..ifstream::pos_type fileSize = ifs.tellg();
.... ..ifs.seekg(0, ios::beg);
.... ..vector<char> bytes(fileSize);
.... ..ifs.read(&bytes[0], fileSize);
.... ..ifs.close();
.... ..return string(&bytes[0], fileSize);
I'm kind of green when it comes to C++ and I would really appreciate feedback or help.