
I'm a new C++ programmer. I've been going through lots of tutorials, doing the exercises, and reading lots of books (on my kindle). It's all starting to come together.

I'm at the stage where I'd like to start my own project as a learning-aid. What I have in mind is a simple, console-based document editor. Something like VIM (obviously not as complex as VIM).

However, that would require the ability for the user to move the cursor around using the arrow-keys, to select text (by holding down shift), and also to over-write text. This text then needs to be able to be read from the screen and saved. It would also require the ability to "clear" the current console screen of all command prompts, etc., and write to it from a completely blank state.

I don't have any idea how to do this. Obviously cout and cin, that I've been using so far, are not going to cut it.

I'd appreciate a nudge in the right direction. Which APIs and libraries should I be researching?
