Thread: Runtime library error

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  1. #1
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Nov 2012

    Runtime library error


    When I run the attached program, a window with error pops up:

    Debug assertion failed:

    Program: c:/Windows/system32/MSVCP100.dll/

    I have no clue as to whats causing this error, anyone can give me a clue?


    #ifndef BMP_H
    #define BMP_H
    #include <iostream>
    #include <fstream>
    using namespace std;
    struct Pixel {
      char blue;
      char green;
      char red;
    struct color
        int botrange;
        int toprange;
        Pixel pixel1;
            botrange = 0;
            toprange = 0;
   = 0;
   = 0;
   = 0;
    class BMP
        BMP( string filename, int height, int width );
        void writeHeader();
        void writeRow( Pixel* );
        void close();
        void writeShort( short value );
        void writeWord( int value );
        static const int headersize = 14;
        static const int infoheadersize = 40;
        static const int offset = 54;
        static const int planes = 1;
        static const int bits = 24;
        static const int verticalresolution = 2835;
        static const int horizontalresolution = 2835;
        int filesize;
        int columns;
        int rows;
        int rowpadding;
        int datasize;
        ofstream outfile;
    #include "BMP.hpp"
    using namespace std;
    // Initialize a BMP file writer by remembering the size of the image and
    // opening the file and writing a .bmp format header to the file.
    BMP::BMP( string filename, int height, int width )
        rows = height;
        columns = width;
        int rowsize = width*bits/8;
        rowpadding = ( rowsize % 4 ) ? 4 - ( rowsize % 4 ) : 0;
        datasize = headersize + infoheadersize + height*(rowsize + rowpadding);
        filesize = datasize; filename.c_str(), ios::binary | ios::out );
    // Write a single 32-bit word to the BMP file
    void BMP::writeWord( int value )
      outfile.write( (char*) &value, 4 );
    // Write a single 16-bit halfword to the BMP file
    void BMP::writeShort( short value )
      outfile.write( (char*) &value, 2 );
    // Write one row of Pixels to the BMP file
    void BMP::writeRow( Pixel* values )
      outfile.write( (char*) values, columns*bits/8 );
      // Write enough zero bytes to fill out a full 32-bit word for
      // the row because the format requires this.
      int zeros = 0;
      if ( rowpadding ) outfile.write( (char*) &zeros, rowpadding );
    // Close the BMP file
    void BMP::close()
    // Write a 54-byte header to the BMP file that has the appropriate
    // settings for an image of the correct size and 24-bit pixels.
    // The format is explained in Wikipedia
    void BMP::writeHeader()
      // Bytes 0-1: Magic word. It contains the letters 'B' and 'M'.
      outfile.write( "BM", 2 );
      // Bytes 2-5: File size.
      writeWord( filesize );
      // Bytes 6-7 and 8-9: Application dependent. Leave these zeroed.
      writeShort( 0 );
      writeShort( 0 );
      // Bytes 10-13: Start of the bitmap in the file.
      writeWord( offset );
      // Bytes 14-17: Size of the Inforheader.  Normally set to 40.
      // The Inforheader is assumed to start at offset 14.
      writeWord( infoheadersize );
      // Bytes 18-21: Width.
      writeWord( columns );
      // Bytes 22-25: Height.
      writeWord( rows );
      // Bytes 26-27: Word. Planes. Should be 1.
      writeShort( planes );
      // Bytes 29-30: Word. Bits per pixel. 24 for full RGB.
      writeShort( bits );
      // Bytes 31-34: Compression. Leave it zero.
      writeWord( 0 );
      // Bytes 35-38: Compressed size. No compression, leave it zero.
      writeWord( 0 );
      // Bytes 39-42: Horizontal resolution. Pixels per meter.
      writeWord( horizontalresolution );
      // Bytes 43-46: Vertical resolution. Pixels per meter.
      writeWord( verticalresolution );
      // Bytes 47-50: Number of colors in the palette. Leave as zero.
      writeWord( 0 );
      // Bytes 51-54: Number of important colors. Leave as zero.
      writeWord( 0 );
    #define WINDOWS 1
    #include "BMP.hpp"
    #include <vector>
    #include <iostream>
    #include <iomanip>
    #include <fstream>
    #include <cmath>
    #include <string>
    using namespace std;
    string filename;
    double lat;
    double lon;
    static const int height = 16;
    static const int width = 16;
    void readFile( string filename, short buffer, int rows, int columns )
      ifstream infile; filename.c_str(), ios::binary | ios::in | ios::ate );
        infile.seekg( 0 ); (char*) buffer, 2*rows*columns );
    void readFile2( string filename, short* buffer, int rows, int columns )
      ifstream infile; filename.c_str(), ios::binary | ios::in | ios::ate );
        infile.seekg( 0 ); (char*) buffer, 2*rows*columns );
    vector<color> filereader()
        short array1[25][5];
        readFile2( "LUT.txt", array1[0], 25, 5 );
        for( int i=0; i < 25; i ++ )
            color[i].botrange = array1[i][0];
            color[i].toprange = array1[i][1];
            Pixel pixel;
   = char(array1[i][2]);
   = char(array1[i][3]);
   = char(array1[i][4]);
            color[i].pixel1 = pixel;
        return color;
    Pixel find(double lattitude, double longitude)
        readFile( "tbase.bin", col[0], 2160, 4320 );
        short height = row[int((lattitude + 90)*12)][int((longitude+180)*12)];
        for( int i = 0; i < 25; i++ )
            vector<color> colours = filereader();
            if( height >= colours[i].botrange && height <= colours[i].toprange )
                return (colours[i].pixel1);
    int main ( int argc, const char * argv[] )
        cout<<"Please enter filename(without .bmp): "<<endl;
        cout<<"Please enter lattitude: "<<endl;
        cout<<"Please enter longitude: "<<endl;
        cout<<"Please enter height of file: "<<endl;
        cout<<"Please enter width of file: "<<endl;
        filename = filename + ".bmp";
      // Create a .bmp file for the image by specifying the file name
      // and the image size.
         BMP imageFile( filename, height, width );
      // Reserve storage for the image as an array of Pixels (the BMP
      // tools define the way that Pixels are stored).
         Pixel image[height][width];;
      // Put a pattern into the image
        for ( int i = 0; i<width; i++ )
            for ( int j = 0; j<height; j++ )
            //check the formula again tomorrow, not sure if its right
                 image[i][j].red   = find((i - width/2.0 + lat), (j - height/2.0 + lon )).red;
                 image[i][j].green = find((i - width/2.0 + lat), (j - height/2.0 + lon )).green;
                 image[i][j].blue  = find((i - width/2.0 + lat), (j - height/2.0 + lon )).blue;
      // Write the image out to the BMP file, bottom row first
        for ( int i=height-1; i>=0; i-- )
            imageFile.writeRow( image[i] );
      // Close the file when we are done with it (this happens automatically
      // when the program quits).
      // Display the resulting image by opening the file using the system()
      // function.
    #if WINDOWS
      system( "start image.bmp" );
      system( "open image.bmp" );

  2. #2
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    cout<<"Please enter height of file: "<<endl;
        cout<<"Please enter width of file: "<<endl;
    And what's missing here?

  3. #3
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by rags_to_riches View Post
    cout<<"Please enter height of file: "<<endl;
        cout<<"Please enter width of file: "<<endl;
    And what's missing here?
    oh those couts shouldnt be there, its defaulted to 16 and 16, it is meant to control how big the file is

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