Thread: segmentation faults..Please HELP

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    Registered User
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    Oct 2012

    segmentation faults..Please HELP

    ​We have a target system where we are trying to add shared memory using pthread mutex functions. We created a separate library that constructs and destructs memory and a set of functions defined which accesses shared memory. These functions are called from a daemon and other programs. Here is the following code

            key_t key = ftok("/lxi/pil/shmem.file", 133);
            _created = false;
            _size = sizeof(struct mydata);
            mem_id = shmget(key, _size, 0666);                              
    // Attempt to open existing shared memory
    // with size to hold my structure
    // and r/w access for all
            if (mem_id != -1)
                     if (errno == ENOENT)
                            mem_id = shmget(key, _size, IPC_CREAT | 0666);                     
                            // Attempt to create shared memory
                            if (mem_id == -1) 
                                    printf("Failed to get memory\n");
                            printf("Error creating shared mem\n");
                            return ;
                    _created = true;
           _mydata = (struct mydata*)shmat(mem_id, NULL, 0);                    
            // Attach it
            mutex = &_mydata->mutex;
            file_mutex = &_mydata->file_mutex;
             pthread_mutex_init(mutex, NULL);                        // Only init content if this is first instance
                    pthread_mutex_init(file_mutex, NULL);                   // Only init content if this is first instance
                    _mydata->Flag = 0;
            _created = true;
            struct shmid_ds stats;
            shmctl(mem_id, IPC_STAT, &stats);
            if( stats.shm_nattch <= 1)
                    shmctl(mem_id, IPC_RMID, NULL);
            // Note: IPC_RMID on every destruct was causing problems, new app created new share !
            // The above should do the IPC_RMID only on last destruct
    int MemMan::stats(struct shmid_ds *stats)
            return shmctl(mem_id, IPC_STAT, stats);
    int MemMan::lock()
            return pthread_mutex_lock(mutex);
    int MemMan::unlock()
            int result = pthread_mutex_unlock(mutex);
            return result;                                                  // This stops mutex hogging by any one app
    int MemMan::file_lock()
    int MemMan::file_unlock()
            usleep(10000);                                                  // This stops mutex hogging by any one app
    int MemMan::NumberOfClients()
            struct shmid_ds stats;
            shmctl(mem_id, IPC_STAT, &stats);
            return stats.shm_nattch;

    The functions are then defined like the following

       int UTIL_GetFlag()      {
                    if (mymem.Valid())
                            struct mydata *data = (struct mydata*)mymem.GetAddress();
                            return data->Flag;
                            return -1;
    The function (similar to one above) are accessing shared memory using daemon and other programs. The problem that we are experiencing are generally segmentation faults and target machine locking up. Since there is no debug capabilities on the target machine , its really difficult to step through the code. Its my first time with shared memory so I am not sure where I am going wrong. Can you please help?
    Last edited by Noman Hussain; 10-15-2012 at 06:44 AM.

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