This is my code. I have everything done but this requirement. At one point the user inputs to have their results sorted by either "gas" consumption or "total" cost. SO how would I print: If the users criteria is "Gas", then print the output for the car with the lower gas consumption first. If the criteria is "Total", then print the output for the car with the lowest total cost first.
Here is my code:
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
int main() {
int miles_per_year;
double gallon_gas;
double hybrid_cost;
int hybrid_mpg;
double hybrid_resale;
double cost_nonhybrid;
int non_hybrid_mpg;
double nonhybrid_resale;
double fuel_five_years; 
double total_gallons;
double total_cost;
double depreciation;
double fuel_five_years_hybrid; 
double total_gallons_hybrid;
double total_cost_hybrid;
double depreciation_hybrid;

    cout <<"Please answer the following questions.\n" << endl;
    cout <<"The estimated miles driven per year?" << endl;
    cin >> miles_per_year;
if(miles_per_year < 0)
    cout <<"Please enter a positive value." << endl;
} while(miles_per_year < 0);
    cout <<"The estimated price of a gallon of gas?" << endl;
    cin >> gallon_gas;
if(gallon_gas < 0)
    cout <<"Please enter a positive value." << endl;
} while(gallon_gas < 0);
    cout <<"The cost of a hybrid car?" << endl;
    cin >> hybrid_cost;
if(hybrid_cost < 0)
    cout <<"Please enter a positive value." << endl;
} while(hybrid_cost < 0);
    cout <<"The efficiency of the hybrid car in miles per gallon?" << endl;
    cin >> hybrid_mpg;
if(hybrid_mpg < 0)
    cout <<"Please enter a positive value." << endl;
} while(hybrid_mpg < 0);
    cout <<"The estimated resale value for a hybrid after 5 years?" << endl;
    cin >> hybrid_resale;
if(hybrid_resale < 0)
    cout <<"Please enter a positive value." << endl;
} while(hybrid_resale < 0);
    cout <<"The cost of a non-hybrid car?" << endl;
    cin >> cost_nonhybrid;
if(cost_nonhybrid < 0)
    cout <<"Please enter a positive value." << endl;
} while(cost_nonhybrid < 0);
    cout <<"The efficiency of the non-hybrid car in miles per gallon?" << endl;
    cin >> non_hybrid_mpg;
if(non_hybrid_mpg < 0)
    cout <<"Please enter a positive value." << endl;
} while(non_hybrid_mpg < 0);
    cout <<"The estimated resale value for a non-hybrid after 5 years?" << endl;
    cin >> nonhybrid_resale;
if(nonhybrid_resale < 0)
    cout <<"Please enter a positive value." << endl;
} while(nonhybrid_resale < 0);
 string buying_crit;
    cout <<"Would you like results sorted by lowest gas consumption(\"gas\")\n or lowest total cost(\"total\")?" << endl;
    cout << "Enter 'gas' or 'total'\n"; 
    cin >> buying_crit;

//calculations for hybrid
total_gallons_hybrid = miles_per_year / hybrid_mpg;
fuel_five_years_hybrid = miles_per_year / hybrid_mpg * gallon_gas;
depreciation_hybrid = hybrid_cost - hybrid_resale;
total_cost_hybrid = fuel_five_years_hybrid + depreciation_hybrid;

//calculations for NON-hybrid
total_gallons = miles_per_year / non_hybrid_mpg;
fuel_five_years = miles_per_year / non_hybrid_mpg * gallon_gas;
depreciation = cost_nonhybrid - nonhybrid_resale;
total_cost = fuel_five_years + depreciation;

//for fuel consumption
if (total_gallons_hybrid < total_gallons)
cout <<"This is for a Hybrid Car."<< endl;
cout <<"Total gallons of fuel used for 5 years: $ "<< total_gallons_hybrid << endl;
cout <<"Total cost of owning the car for 5 years: $ " << total_cost_hybrid << endl;
	cout <<"This is for a Non-Hybrid Car. "<< //some variable or something here <<endl;
cout <<"Total gallons of fuel used for 5 years: $ "<< total_gallons << endl;
cout <<"Total cost of owning the car for 5 years: $ " << total_cost << endl;

//for cost
if (total_cost_hybrid < total_cost)
cout <<"This is for a Hybrid Car."<< endl;
cout <<"Total gallons of fuel used for 5 years: $ "<< total_gallons_hybrid << endl;
cout <<"Total cost of owning the car for 5 years: $ " << total_cost_hybrid << endl;
	cout <<"This is for a Non-Hybrid Car. "<< //some variable or something here <<endl;
cout <<"Total gallons of fuel used for 5 years: $ "<< total_gallons << endl;
cout <<"Total cost of owning the car for 5 years: $ " << total_cost << endl;

return 0;