I feel confusion about pointers which I would like to remove.

void SomeClass::ConvertAndForward( int numbers, int targetvar )	
	//Send to member variable
	targetvar = numbers;


When I call this function with:
ConvertAndForward(10, m_ivariable);

Will the above method successfully change m_ivariable? As in, put it through the function, modify it and put in back in place with the new value?

Or do I need a pointer version like so:

//called with ConvertAndForward(10, ptarget);
void SomeClass::ConvertAndForward( int numbers, int *pointer_to_targetvar )	
	//Send to member variable
	pointer_to_targetvar = numbers;//This produces an error

//error C2440: '=' : cannot convert from 'int' to 'int *'
