this was the only coding exercise that I've had trouble with so far on this great learning adventure

just looking to see if there was a better way to do this, or if any tips could be thrown my way. the program runs well.

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;

int main (){
   int answer;
   int obama = 0;
   int romney = 0;
   int option3 = 0;
     while (obama < 5 && romney < 5 && option3 < 5)
      cout<< " who would you like to see become president?\n";
      cout<< "1. obama\n2. romney\n3. The bank owns the government.\n";
      cin>> answer;
      if (answer == 1){
      else if (answer == 2){
      else if (answer == 3){
           else {
                cout<< "please enter a number 1-3\n";
      cout<< "obama- " << obama << "\n";
      cout<< "romney- " << romney << "\n";
      cout<< "doesn't matter- " << option3 << endl;
                      cin.ignore ();
                      cin.get ();