
I was hoping to get some help to understand why I have coded this so poorly. I have re written the code below to demonstrate the problem I face. A really good indicator that something is wrong is the fact that it crashes 50% during run time.
I would like to know why it crashes half the time ? what conditions had changed to make it execute okay the other times.

My main problem is that I had thought this had successfully written to file. As i have tested, by reading it back.
But if I remove my output to file code and only try to import my file (previously created) it recognizes there are two elements but can't output its data.
I am using code::blocks 10.05.
btw, I was only wanting to do this as a learning experience with binary files I do understand I could use a text file. Should I not be using binary files with string.

Many thanks in advance for your help.

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <fstream>

// Demonstrating my problem with reading from binary from file

using namespace std;

int main()
vector<string> newBuffer;    // will output file from here
vector<string> tempBuffer;    // will input file into here

string testing = "hello world\n";

// output to file
        ofstream fout ("file1", ios::binary);

            cout << "unable to open file\n";
        fout.write( (char*) &tempBuffer,sizeof tempBuffer);          // casting char*


// read from file put into new vector

    ifstream fin ("file1", ios::binary);
        cout << "unable to open file\n";
    fin.read( (char*) &newBuffer,sizeof newBuffer);

// reading new vector

    cout << "newBuffer size " << newBuffer.size() << "\n";

    for (unsigned short x =0;x<newBuffer.size();x++)
            cout << (string) newBuffer[x];


    return 0;