Hello all, so I was just opening up the C++ compiler recommended by this site's tutorial and already I may have done something damaging.

I was messing around with the intro code and commented out a line to see what would happen. Here's the code I wrote (well, I can't really say wrote, most of it is copied from the tutorial, and the comments were sections of the text to help me remember things about what the code in each line meant, I'm really sorry, if I'm not supposed to re-post that stuff here, it was just for my educational benefit):

#include <iostream> // A quote from the tutorial I'm learing from: "The #include is a "preprocessor" directive that tells the compiler to put code from the header called iostream into our program before actually creating the executable. By including header files, you gain access to many different functions. For example, the cout function requires iostream."

using namespace std; // A quote from the tutorial I'm learning from: "This line tells the compiler to use a group of functions that are part of the standard library (std). By including this line at the top of a file, you allow the program to use functions such as cout."

int main() // Quote: "This line tells the compiler that there is a function named main, and that the function returns an integer, hence int. The "curly braces" ({ and }) signal the beginning and end of functions and other code blocks. You can think of them as meaning BEGIN and END."
    cout<<"You are not stupid.\n"; // This is how text is printed using the cout function. a quote from the book: "In C++, however, the cout object is used to display text (pronounced "C out"). It uses the << symbols, known as "insertion operators", to indicate what to output. cout<< results in a function call with the ensuing text as an argument to the function. The quotes tell the compiler that you want to output the literal string as-is. The '\n' sequence is actually treated as a single character that stands for a newline (we'll talk about this later in more detail). It moves the cursor on your screen to the next line."
    //cin.get(); // another quote: "This is another function call: it reads in input and expects the user to hit the return key. Many compiler environments will open a new console window, run the program, and then close the window. This command keeps that window from closing because the program is not done yet because it waits for you to hit enter. Including that line gives you time to see the program run."
Anyway, when I ran this program, which I knew was missing the important get() function (I just wanted to see what would happen X( ), AVG popped up and claimed that a threat named "Trojan horse Agent3.BLKR" had been detected in the program I just compiled!

I moved it to the vault and undid the comment. Then, when I ran it again, the program worked perfectly fine and AVG didn't have any complaints. I looked up the trojan it mentioned, but couldn't find much with a cursory search.

Out of curiosity, I tried commenting out the line again, and sure enough, AVG detected the virus once more!

I'm really confused here, because I'm not sure how a virus could have gotten into a program I made milliseconds ago, or why it would be detected only when I commented out that one line. It made me wonder if I was somehow just setting off red flags that were common to another virus or if I was really infected with something. So I ask of you, is it possible to set off anti-virus software with programming like this? Or am I somehow making an already present infection more visible?

I'm sorry if this is a really stupid question, but I could really use any advice you could give.