Hi ive just installed borland 5.5(commandlinetools) and i have created the .cfg file and the ilink file both in the bin file. Ive changed the path to include c:\Borland\BCC55\bin and when i open the command prompt and type bcc32 i get all the functions in a list. I then wrote a simple Hello world type program in notepad++ and saved it as sample.cpp in the bin file of borland. so i type in at the command prompt bcc32 sample.cpp to compile it and i get the error E2194 - cannot find file sample.cpp. Its really infuriating cos im probably doing something basically wrong bur i cant see it. Should i write the code in the normal windows notepad instead of notepad++ or do i have to change the autoexec. bat file? Any help would be much appreciated. Cheers.