#include <iostream>
 using namespace std;

 class hell
      int number2;
      void hot ()
      {cout << "you like the fire, huh?\npress 1:yes or 2:no\n";
      cin >> number2;
      if (number2 == 1)
      {   system ("CLS");
          cout << "ice prison for you then\n";}
      else if (number2 == 2)
      {   system ("CLS");
          cout << "it gets hotter\n";}

 class heaven
      int number3;
      void cold ()
      {cout << "Blow the mist?\npress 1:yes or 2:no\n";
      cin >> number3;
      if (number3 == 1)
      {   system ("CLS");
          cout << "You see paradise all around\n";}
      else if (number3 == 2)
      {   system ("CLS");
          cout << "Well then this is interesting!\n";}

int main()
     int number;
     hell h1;
     heaven h2;

     cout << "press 1 to go to hell or 2 to go to heaven:\n";
     cin >> number;
     system ("CLS");
     if (number == 1)
     else if (number == 2)
         h2.cold ();

         else {cout << "You stay in limbo\n";}

 return 0;
I have been trying to get my head around classes and why they are helpful. I originaly wrote the whole program in main then changed it.