Hi, I was wondering if anyone could point me out the problem of the programme below. It can not read the data file it was supposed to read. When I run the programme, the output is just "Line:". I am kind of beginner for C++ so there is a chance that I might be making a very stupid mistake. Anyway, here is the code:

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>

using namespace std;
void Parse(string);

int main()
	fstream InFile("WindStation00.data", ios::in);
    string Line;

	while(!InFile.eof())  {
	    InFile >> Line;
		cout << "LINE: " << Line << endl;

void Parse(string Line)
		string ID, Date, Hour;
		double Speed;
		int  Direction;

		cout << "\t" << strtok((char*)Line.c_str(), ":") << endl;
		cout << "\t" << strtok(0, ":") << endl;
		cout << "\t" << strtok(0, ":") << endl;
		cout << "\t" << strtok(0, ":") << endl;
        cout << "\t" << strtok(0, ":") << endl;