I am doing some Programming exercises from the book I am learning C++ from, C++ Primer Plus. I was doing one of the examples and I have ran into a problem with some of my code.

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main()
    cout << "Please enter one of the following choices: \n";
    cout << "c) carnivore    p)pianist\nt)tree          g)game\n";
    char in;
    cin >> in;
    while( in != 'c' || 'p' || 't' || 'g'){
        cout<<"Please enter a c, p, t, or g: ";
        cin >> in;
    cout<< endl;
        case 'c':
            cout<<"A lion is a carnivore.";
        case 'p':
            cout<<"A pianist is a piano player";
        case 't':
            cout<<"A maple is a tree.";
        case 'g':
            cout<<"Mine sweeper is a game.";
    return 0;
I believe everything is working as I want except for the while loop
while( in != 'c' || 'p' || 't' || 'g'){
        cout<<"Please enter a c, p, t, or g: ";
        cin >> in;
I have tried putting the stuff on the right side of the != in parenthesis, changing it to a == and putting a ! infront of the entire thing.

Does anyone have any suggestions on what might be wrong with my code? I am not able to see what all is wrong.