So the beginning numbers are laid out like this:
8 0 3 6 3
1 3 1 0 7
2 7 9 4 5
Then I have to print it out to look like:
3 6 3 0 8
7 0 1 3 1
5 4 9 7 2.
This is what I have so far, and i know its not right because i keep getting an error that the program has quit working.
copyB(const int *fromPtr, int rows, int columns, int to[][10])
    int r;
    int c;

    for (r =  columns -1; r < rows; r--) {
        for (c = 0; c < columns; c++)
            to[r][c] = *fromPtr++;
This is not my major I technically dont even need this class anymore since i switched majors but i dont want to drop it now, so any tips are appreciated. I have to run it against my professors test driver, but i just can get this one to work right.
Thanks for any help!