thanks for the pointers
now i think i got the math portion figured out... but now im having trouble with the ticket being calculated properly.. this what i have as of right now..

the price of the ticket comes out incorrectly.. as well as reporting that tickets arent issued when they should be... im almost sure that my if statement is not set correctly

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <string>

using namespace std;

int main()

string license; 
double base = 150, fee = 5, ticket;
int mph, timeA, timeB, Speed = 0, Time_Taken = 0,diffSpeed = 0;

    cout << "Enter license plate number" << endl;

    cin >> license;

    cout << "Enter time at Checkpoint A" << endl;

    cin >> timeA;

    cout << "Enter time at Checkpoint B" << endl;

    cin >> timeB;

    cout << "Enter speed limit in the zone" << endl;

    cin >> mph;

    Time_Taken = timeB - timeA;
    Speed = (5 / Time_Taken ) *60 + 0.5; 

    diffSpeed = mph - Speed;

    if ( diffSpeed > mph )
    ticket = base + fee * diffSpeed;

    cout << "A ticket of $" << ticket << " is issued to " << license << endl;
    cout << "No ticket issued" << endl;

return 0;
